My Vintage Hat Rack

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"Grab your coat and grab your hat, leave your worries on the doorstep. Just direct your feet to the sunny side of the street!" So goes an old tune. At our cottage we like to be prepared for any adventure and we always like to be happy. If you need a vintage straw hat from I Magnin, we have it. If you need a straw hat to protect you from the sun while on the links, we have it too. How about a vintage velvet riding helmet?? Check!! Need a vintage camera in it's case, we have you covered. Now how about a little straw bag to carry some cash to go thrifting for vintage treasures???

To see more vintage treasures hop on over to Suzanne's place for Vintage Thingie Thursday! You can find her at her fabulous blog The Colorado Lady. Wait a minute, I think I must have a vintage map to get you from Idaho to Colorado via the easiest route. Shall I pack you a lunch in a vintage picnic basket??

What's that Bentley? I know I mentioned lunch, but you just had dinner!!

Susan and Bentley


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