Dare to be Daring

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I’m still on a high over the fact that my husband is now officially employed! In fact, what makes everything EVEN BETTER is that he found out he’s actually being hired on for a higher position than he interviewed for. What a wonderful surprise, huh?! I appreciate all of your sweet words of congratulations on my post yesterday – M. was also more than excited about the outpouring of sweetness from all of you lovely bloggers – so thank you!

With this wonderful news I am finally feeling like things are really falling into place with us here in New York. I’m really feeling good about our move and our future together here in the city. It reminds me of just how important it is to follow your dreams – no matter what! Heck, I was newly married and my husband had just started a brand new job when I uprooted us from our home so that I could work for a company I’ve always dreamt of working for.

Selfish!? Some may think so, but I certainly don’t. Smart is more like it. If you never take risks in life you’re always going to be doing the same old thing waiting for something better to come along…key word is “WAITING.” I would rather grab life and get what I want instead of waiting around for someone or something to give it to me. Yes, it was risky to leave my stable and comfortable job in DC and yes it was hard for me to ask my husband to leave a job that he was really enjoying, but with a little determination, support from family, and a lot of prayer, good things can come out of daring situations.

Yesterday I had the opportunity to meet a woman who had a similar experience in reaching her dream position. Granted, she didn’t move her husband to a new city to achieve this new career, she did take a MAJOR pay cut and risk a lot in opening up her own business (while raising a beautiful little girl too!). For her, things have certainly worked out and I was amazed listening to her talk about starting her business and making the switch from a first grade teacher to something COMPLETELY on the other end of the spectrum.

In addition, my brother-in-law will be graduating from college this weekend and starting a new position in San Francisco come fall. My sister is finishing up her junior year of college and starting an awesome internship soon after.

All of these new and exciting things happening for people around me of course made me reflect on my current situation and the things I will do in the future. It’s nice every once in a while to have this type of a reminder and now I am more motivated than ever to accomplish some of the things that are sitting on my “WILL DO” list!

Short and sweet (and hopefully a little inspirational too) on this rainy Wednesday. Have a wonderful day everyone!

PS: How do you like my beautiful pink bouquet?! Would you believe that I arranged the flowers myself...because I did! :)


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