Apartment ReDesign: The Inspiration Phase

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Today I wanted to share with all of you my crazy-multi-room, multi-inspiration apartment design board. (Click on the image to get the full-on, craziness effect!) I realize that there are about 5,000 looks incorporated into this one board and there may be like 20 different “bedroom” styles alone included, but these are all images that lately, have been inspiring to me as far as my apartment-design project goes.

I’ll say it once more, but I do NOT have oodles and oodles of moo-lah to spend on this “re-design” project. In fact, I’m going to try my best to do this project on a major budget because let’s face it, my ideas change daily and the looks that I love ALSO change daily – hence the crazy inspiration board. It’s no secret that I am a fan of all things pretty, so it’s no wonder that I want every pretty thing/theme/piece of furniture incorporated into my everyday living.

So as I mentioned, the first BIG thing on the list is to have our couch recovered. You would be shocked at the state of our couch right now….which is why I refuse to share a photo. I LOVE the couch (even though it is a litttttttle big for our apartment space) – it was free (thank you mom and dad!) and it’s the most comfortable thing in the world. My mom was so nice to find a great fabric for us to re-cover the cushions in, so now all I have to do is send her the measurements to pass along to her upholsterer and they’ll be started in no time!

So the next thing I need to do is really pick a “color” palette for our living room. It’s not going to be easy seeing as though I seem to love all of the colors of the rainbow, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out. Once I have the exact color palette that I want to work with I am going to try and pick out some great throw pillows. Luckily, our couch is pretty neutral so I think it will be able to handle most colors whether bright or more subdued.

The next item on my list will be what I will do to our coffee tables (also free thanks to mom and dad!). They are SUPER beat up, but they’re really nice tables from Pottery Barn. What I’d really like to do is paint them, but unfortunately, I’m not really sure WHERE I would be able to do that since I am in the middle of New York City. ALSO it would be the cheapest way to give the room an update without having to spend more money on a new table. I’m definitely going to have to think on this one a bit.

Finally, I need to either pick a fabric and make covers (which of course, when I say make I mean enlist the help of someone else to make them) or buy covers for the parsons chairs (yet ANOTHER freebie from my mom and dad!) that sit at our “dining room” table. They’re REALLY nice chairs, but I think that the fabric needs an update, especially because I doubt the current fabric will “go” with my new color scheme…whatever that may be! :)

Ok, wait…just one more “finally”…I also need a NEW lampshade for one of our table lamps. Again, because of the color scheme issue. I’ll definitely be purusing the web for something perfect and affordable!

I’m not thinking this transformation is going to happen tonight, but I’ll be sure to share with you “before” photos and “after” photos once I have things together! :)

Any hints or tricks for me?! Any GREAT home design/accessory/inspiration sites that you love?! Remember, I’m no design expert so I need all the help I can get - and who better to go to for advice then all of my fabulous blogging friends?!

Another day I’ll have to share with you my plans for the bedroom! Have a great Wednesday!


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