Wedding -- Design "Challenge"

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Isn’t it funny how sometimes this easiest task turns out to be the biggest pain?! Let me explain…
In college my major required that I spend a lot of quality time with Mac computers. I love Mac’s and once my laptop dies I am going to treat myself to a brand new Mac laptop. One of the programs that I could often be found working on in the Mac lab was Photoshop. I’ve heard mixed reviews of Photoshop from many different people, but I personally love the program. There are so many interesting and cool design effects that you can work with and I have never had any trouble with any of it…until now…

I knew when the wedding planning started that I would be utilizing Photoshop for some DIY projects. I custom designed our favor labels and I have designed a custom map (I promise I’ll show you this soon!) which will have a welcome note on the back to be attached to our out-of-town guests welcome bags – all using the beauty of Photoshop.

Another one of these Photoshop projects ended up being our “Please be Seated” cards. You see, what we decided on for the wedding is that when our guests walk to the reception room from the cocktail hour space they will pick up a small envelope printed with each couples name. Inside that envelope will be a little card that has the table number where they are sitting. When they find their table there will be place cards (for each person) written in calligraphy with their names indicating which seat is theirs. So my mom came up with an AMAZING way to display the “escort” cards (she may just be the craftiest person I know) and I decided on a special way to display the place cards at each person’s seat.

So we thought we had it all together until I began the design work for the escort card on Photoshop. The design is relatively simple – actually – incredibly simple compared to some of the other design pieces I have worked on for the wedding. Well let’s just say I was supposed to have these cards finished about a month and a half ago, but every single time I go to print them they come out pixilated. I literally have tried everything. I changed the file type, colors, fonts, images, size – all of it with no luck.

Unfortunately things don’t always go as planned in this whole “wedding world,” but we’ve finally figured it all out and will have them printed this week and they will look fabulous! Just another thing checked off the list – even if it did take 6 months to finish. :)


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