Scale Stories

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Good morning everyone!

Thank you for all of your sweet comments on our newest family addition! We absolutely love little Thatcher and are so excited to be raising this little pup together!

Yesterday I received a comment from a reader regarding the high protein plan that we’ve been on as of late – she wanted to know whether or not I was actually losing any weight on the plan or if I was just “feeling better”. So, I figured I would give you an update on the progress of the plan.

I’ll start by saying that I officially love the high protein plan. My body not only feels better, but as an added bonus I am losing weight. Last Friday when I “weighed in” I had lost a total of 7 pounds (6.9 to be exact, but let’s round for the sake of a nice neat number, OK?!). That’s 7 pounds in two weeks. If you’re in the market for losing weight I would say that’s pretty good. Again, as I’ve said in recent posts regarding this plan, I’m sure that a lot of that weight was water weight, but in any case it’s 7 pounds that I no longer have to carry around. We have still been using Saturdays as our cheat day and unfortunately this weekend I went a little bit off track with the overall plan.

I didn’t eat like crazy on Saturday because we spent the majority of the day running around the city looking at different puppies. I had a few snacks here and there and even enjoyed some French fries that evening, but overall, my calorie intake on Saturday wasn’t outrageous. Bringing puppy home threw me off a bit (for whatever odd reason). Instead of cooking/eating something “on the plan” for dinner Sunday night we ordered in which meant carbs were in attendance during my meal. Monday I had to run an errand for work which involved me picking up a giant bag of baked goods – cake, cookies, etc. from a store in NYC that I’ve been DYING to try out for myself. I gave in to my craving and ended up buying a few things for myself, “just to taste”. I ate a great dinner on Monday night of chicken, carrots and broccoli. I felt back on track again. Then yesterday I ate an “on plan” lunch and veered away from the plan again when I came home for dinner/after dinner dessert.

It’s been a rollercoaster couple of days in my eating department. I’ve been coming home every day for my lunch hour so that I can see the puppy which means that I’m not packing my normal “on-plan” healthy lunch. Today though, I can say that I am officially getting back to those good food choices and sticking to my plan. I think that really is the key to it all…everyone is going to have “that day” where they make the wrong food choices, but the best thing to do is just get right back to the plan and not let yourself go completely just because you had one (or a couple) of bad days.

All of this to say that I have gained back two of those lost pounds. Yes – two measly pounds. I’m not worried about them and know that they’ll be gone in a matter of days. So here’s to a new day for making the right decisions once again! :)

If you have ANY questions about the plan whatsoever, please feel free to post a question in the comments section and I'll be happy to answer it!

Happy Wednesday!


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