Tuesday Mish Mash

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This week is going by slow for me. I realize it’s only Tuesday, but sometimes you can just tell by how the day is looking to pan out that it’s going to cause a slowwwww week. I’m not feeling incredibly inspired today, so instead I’ll just give you a rundown of some things happening in my world right now…

It’s a BEAUTIFUL day in New York. So nice in fact that I left my coat behind and put away my boots in the closet. It seems like this weekend it will be necessary to FINALLY go through my box of spring/summer clothes and start organizing everything. Especially because in just a short time we’ll be traveling to Atlanta for my brother-in-laws graduation! With the weather being so unpredictable here (read random cold days, rainy days, then a random beautiful day like today) I am excited to be visiting the South where the weather should be a little bit more easy to predict – WARM (if not HOT!) and SUNNY! One thing is for sure, a pair of sandals WILL be in my suitcase!

Thanks for all of your sweet comments on my “beehive” cake from Easter Sunday. (The one in the picture is not mine, but from the Nordicware website) In case you were wondering where to buy this gem of a baking pan, I actually found one for you HERE. I purchased mine on that new flash sale sight, Joss & Main, but the pan is by Nordicware and it looks like it’s sold all over the web! In case you’re worried about the cake “turning out,” don’t fret one bit! I just made sure that the pan was well buttered and floured before putting the batter in and when I went to remove the cakes they came out perfectly without any prying at all!

I wanted to mention also that we received a special Easter surprise from M.’s parents a couple of days before Sunday. Since we’ve been partaking in the high protein plan we’ve been dying for a George Foreman grill. We had on when we were in DC, but when we were making the move to NYC, I decided to lend ours to my sister. Turns out we wanted that thing more than ever once we got here. M. must have mentioned to his mother that we could really use one since clean up is so easy and cooking is so fast with one because we had a package waiting for us the other day and inside was a brand new grill! We were so excited and it was really sweet of them to think of us! So, thank you Mr. and Mrs. C!! :)

Thatcher has his first appointment at the Vet today. Hopefully everything will be fine and he will be able to get his final shot (when we purchased him he already had all of his other shots). He’s been doing really great with his “potty-training” and the best part of all – he sleeps through the night without whining! I remember when we got my childhood dog (RIP Roxy), we kept her in her crate at night (that lasted only a couple of days before I started her on the bad habit of sleeping at the end of my bed) and she would “bark” (which was more like a sweet little duck quack) and “bark” all night long. I’ve been amazed by how well Thatcher goes into his crate at night, and without whining falls right asleep.

Tonight I plan on hitting up the grocery store with the hubs to pick up a bunch of good stuff for salads for my lunches this week. Yes, I realize that it’s already Tuesday, but that means I’ve still got three more days to pack in some yummy lunches. One of my favorite quick places to eat in the city is Hale & Hearty and I always make myself a delicious salad there, but the price tag for those salads….not so nice after a couple of them. I figure I can recreate that same salad at home by having all of the ingredients ready to go and prepared so that I can just throw them all together in the morning. The one thing I can’t seem to perfectly recreate…their amazing Cream of Tomato Soup with Chicken and Orzo…mmmm.

Remember last year RIGHT before my wedding when I was having a skin crisis?!Well, since my wedding (almost a YEAR ago) my skin has not changed. My forehead is STILL breaking out and considering I am eating extremely healthy, drinking A TON of water every day and getting proper exercise and sleep I’m not really sure what else I can do. I’ve tried everything in the book to clear up this mess and just the other day I decided to order Neutrogena’s online-order-only Skin-ID system. I read a bunch of reviews and they were certainly mixed, but let’s hope that this fixes my problem because I miss my nice skin and I’m getting sick of “powdering” my forehead – ick.

I finally used up some gift cards I for J.Crew. I took advantage of their “free shipping on any order” (which as you all know is a RARITY) online and ordered myself two “Tall size” button down shirts. I chose two very spring-y colors (would you be surprised if I told you I bought the pink color?!) and I cannot wait to receive them! Hopefully they’ll arrive before my brother-in-law’s graduation because I’d certainly like to bring one of them with me on the trip!

Done, done and done. See you tomorrow!


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