Before reminiscing on the glorious weekend, let’s take it back to Friday. I ended up wearing a new “do” on Friday for work. It was most definitely a jeans day for me and so I was feeling like my hair needed something “going on”. I ended up using my curling iron to create a sort of messy/wavy effect and it got me a TON of compliment

To top off a pretty great Friday at work, there were cocktails waiting at our desks when I returned from lunch. We certainly have an interesting office atmosphere…vodka cranberry anyone?! (Someone must have known that I love the color pink!)
After a terrible choice for dinner Friday night (oops – my need to explain!), we ended up watching Toy Story 3 on Netflix. It was SUPER cute…and my favorite part of the movie involved a tortilla. Yes, a tortilla. If you’ve seen it then you know what I mean! :)
Now onto more exciting things…the weekend!
The weather on Saturday was absolutely beautiful and made for a great day in the city!
We started our Saturday morning with a little breakfast from our favorite café (toasted bagel with cream cheese for me on my “cheat” day!) and then got ready quickly to enjoy the sunny, warm weather. Our plan for a walk in Central Park was perfect. There were daff
We stopped into the shops in Columbus circle and I picked up a little “refresher” makeup at Sephora. We browsed Williams Sonoma for a little bit (I love looking at their “holiday” items – in this case, Easter!) and then made our way downstairs to the Whole Foods to have some lunch and pick up a type of peanut butter that a co-worker had told me about. I went with flatbread pizza (two kinds) and for dessert…PINKBERRY! I know, two weekends in a row. I’m positively ALL about the Lychee Pinkberry flavor right now…sprinkled with coconut…perfection! PS: Did you know Pinkberry has a theme song?! Check it out on the homepage of their website…pretty cute. My husband and I sang it all weekend. We walked through the city for a little while longer and then headed back home to relax and catch a bit of the Masters.
Surprisingly, I was really into watching the Masters. I’ve never actually “watched” a golf tournament, but it was so interesting to watch the players and all of their reactions to their shots and what not. It would’ve been even nicer if we were actually there in person…it looked SO sunny and warn! After watching I was dying to brea
I organized our pantry this weekend too! It was in SERIOUS need of attention since things were literally falling off of the shelves! Now it's nice and neat and we can easily find what we need.
We ended up going out to eat Saturday evening, but to be honest, I wasn’t all that into the food. We went to Cafeteria, a restaurant in Chelsea and it was WAY over the top. The music was BLARING (I’m married….but I’m not old) and the food was just so/so. What WAS delicious though was the cupcakes that we picked up at Billy’s Bakery after dinner. Lemon cupcake and Carrot Cake cupcake for me and a piece of chocolate cake for M. Can you tell that when someone says “cheat day” we REALLY cheat?! All of that baked deliciousness was AMAZING.
Sunday was spent catching up on some laundry, running a few errands around town (including stocking up on some wonderful vegetables and proteins for this week!) and then a special baking adventure which I am so excited to share with you this week!
I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! :)

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