Saturday we have another exciting wedding event – our reception tasting!! I can’t wait to try the delicious menu that my mom and dad selected
Last night we went to the National's Game -- it was really fun!! Even though I am not a big baseball fan I do love sitting in the stadium (especially when it is super nice outside like it was yesterd
ay), relaxing, and enjoying some "park" food. I veered off of my "diet" at the game by eating a BBQ sandwhich and potato salad -- because I have been eating SO SUPER healthy lately -- it was literally the most delicious thing I have ever eaten. I even took a photo (yes, I take pictures of my food) because I was so excited. M.'s sandwhich was almost gone by the time I snapped this!
The game was a bit of a disaster. The National's just don't seem t
o have it all together -- and considering they were playing the Phillies, the best team in the league -- it just wasn't pretty. My favorite part of the game was watching the "Presidential Race". Those big-headed Presidents are too funny!! I also made sure to have M. snap a picture with me and one of the statues
of the "Presidents" before leaving the game. We'll definitely attend more games as the season goes on -- it's just so nice getting out and enjoying the great weather! :)
I've got a lot of work to finish before leaving today so I am off! I’m excited to have a few more wedding tasks accomplished this weekend and to spend time with my family and M.! Also, it’s my friend Laurie’s birthday tomorrow, so I hope she has a FABULOUS day!
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