Family Of Three

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Am I pregnant? No. Sorry if the title to this post was a bit deceiving. We’re not quite at the stage yet where we are ready for kids, but we were ready for a new furry family member. That’s right! Meet our newest family member, Thatcher!!

What I love about M. and my marriage is that sometimes it is a bit spontaneous (when we initially got engaged some people thought that was even a bit spontaneous too) and us buying a puppy this past weekend was certainly spontaneous!

Saturday was a rainy and windy day here in NYC that morning we were trying to decide what we wanted to do for the day. M. suggested it may be fun to go look at puppies. We were NOT planning on buying one that day, in fact, we have been talking about buying one around my birthday this September. After a couple of stops at our favorite pet stores we found out that a puppy in the breed we wanted was actually coming into the shop that day. We ran some errands while waiting for the phone call to go check out the little pup.

It was love at first sight! A little yorkie-poo puppy was put into my arms and I was smitten. I was SO SAD when my childhood dog passed away a couple of months ago (and still tear up about her), but having that new puppy in my arms put a giant smile on my face. After discussion things with M. for about two hours, we decided to take the plunge and welcome a new member to our family. We decided this puppy would be our “Anniversary” Puppy.

We named our little guy Thatcher because it has a kind of special and (and also kind of silly) meaning behind part of the reason we are where we are in New York City. Plus, I think it sounds like a cute, preppy name which was definitely a must! So far life with our new puppy has been fabulous. He’s tiny – just barely two pounds and he’s three months old. He LOVES to play and runs around in his pen with his toys. Thatcher also loves to hop – and when he does, because he’s so small, he looks like a little black bunny! He has the sweetest little face and floppy ears that are a little too big for his itty-bitty head. Right now he is all black with patches of lighter blonde fur on all four of his paws, two little spots over his eyes, and on his chest.

We’re are seriously training this little guy. No messing around here! Having a puppy/dog in a small NYC apartment means that he needs to be on his best behavior at all times and we are seeing to it that he follows our directions. Right now he’s not all that interested in eating (we’ve had to coax him in this area), but just wants to play and play. We bought a small metal “pen” that folds every which way so that when we are busy doing something (aka in the kitchen making dinner, showering, picking up the apartment) he stays in his pen and plays with his toys without us having to watch his every move. So far it’s working out great.

We also purchased a crate on Craigslist from a nice lady whose daughter moved to the city, but didn’t want to bring the crate. Thatcher goes in the crate when we leave the apartment (like when we went grocery shopping the other day) and he sleeps in the crate at night. He’ll whine a little at first, but quickly distracts himself with a toy or in the case of bedtime, curls up in the corner and falls asleep. Both nights we’ve had him (Sunday and Monday) he has slept the entire night and not made a sound! We’re amazed that he is already doing so well. We are going to continue the same routine so that he learns when it’s time to play and when it’s time to sleep.

I think the hardest part about having a dog in the city is training them to go to the bathroom on the sidewalk. So far, Thatcher has done a really good job about not going to the bathroom in the house. We’ve had two little accidents, but overall, every time we take him outside he works his magic within about 10 minutes. I am sure that as he continues this routine he will learn to go even faster to be able to go back inside. Some of the time we’ve taken him outside it’s been so windy that the wind literally picks him up and scoots him. The wind has also been a bit of a problem in the sense that it makes him shiver and therefore instead of focusing on the task at hand he’ll try to wedge himself in between our feet to sit down and shield himself from the cold. It’s absolutely adorable, but won’t be a habit that we let him keep.

So here’s to our new family of three! It’s an amazing feeling knowing that my husband and I will get to go through so many fun experiences together, including this one of caring and training our preppy pup. It’s mushy I know, but I was reminded this weekend of how amazing being married to your best friend is and how that our future together has so many bright things in store!


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