Our Cake Tasting!

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I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend and start to your work week. I actually took the day off yesterday so that M. and I could meet with our priest to discuss our FOCUS test results (remember THIS post!?) and have more of a chance for him to get to know us as a couple. It turns out that we did “extremely well” on our FOCUS test because we ended up with 100% agreement in 5 of the categories. There were only two areas where we answered differently and the difference in our answers wasn’t anything huge, just something that I was undecided on and something that he was undecided on. The priest let us know that it’s rare for couples to have results like we did and that we are clearly very compatible. He also threw in the fact that we would have really cute kids…which is never a bad thing!

But on to the main topic for today – our cake tasting!! We headed off to the baker Saturday afternoon to discuss cake options and try out some possible wedding flavors. We chose three to try – first was Strawberry Cream Torte which was layers of white cake filled with fresh strawberries, strawberry jam and vanilla butter cream. The second was Lemon Raspberry – layers of white sour cream cake brushed with raspberry jam and filled with a tart lemon cream (this was also finished with butter cream). Finally our third choice (something a little unexpected), Margaritaville – yellow cake soaked with a sweet tequila laced syrup, brushed with lime curd, filled with orange butter cream and iced with white butter cream.

First of all – YUM! It was so fun trying out the different cake flavors and to my surprise I ended up liking the Strawberry Cream Torte better than the Lemon Raspberry (so did M.) The biggest surprise was the Margaritaville cake. I absolutely love tart fruit desserts like lemon meringue pie and key lime pie so I was thinking that I would like this, but I didn’t just like this cake – I LOVED this cake flavor. M. is NOT a big fan of tart flavors, but he also found that the Margaritaville was delicious! So we decided on the Strawberry Cream Torte and the Margaritaville for our wedding cake flavors. I am really excited about these two flavors because I think they work well with the summer season – light and fresh! We also may have the very top layer (the layer that we freeze for our first anniversary) made in one of their chocolate cake combinations so that it will freeze well.

We didn’t end up trying any of the chocolate cakes because we knew that we didn’t want chocolate in the wedding cake since M.’s grooms “cake” will be more in the chocolate family. It is important to me to give our guests options and now I know that there will be plenty to choose from!!

We’re not completely set on our cake design. I was originally drawn to this ruffle cake from Martha Stewart, but the baker told me that to make this cake he would HAVE to do the cake in fondant (which I am NOT a fan of) and when I really thought about it, there aren’t any ruffles on my dress or anywhere else in the entire wedding (Read: I just really like ruffles and wanted it) so it may look out of place. Someday though I will have a ruffle cake! :) I am going to go back through my wedding binder and pick out some different cake designs. My mom passed this one along to me – at first I wasn’t sure that I wanted flowers on my cake, but this one looks so grand with hundreds of roses layered between full cake tiers. I would obviously not do this with the "orange" colors though. Either way, once I pick my design I will be sure to share!


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