My Parent's "Spring" Visit

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Hello everyone!

Sorry I missed you guys yesterday, but I was taking a little bit of a mental health day…the migraine didn’t help either. The happy thing though is that my parents are in town this week and it’s been great seeing them in the evenings after they’ve been touring around. Luckily they’ll still be here on Saturday too which means that we’ll have an entire day to spend together!!

On Monday evening we had the chance to go out for a fun dinner – Mexican food! We all piled into a cab and rode down into SoHo for some margaritas and good eats. Even though it was quite chilly on Monday, the sun was shining so it wasn’t all that bad, but we certainly didn’t mind spending about two and a half hours inside of the restaurant chatting and catching up! A couple of margs. later and it was time to head home since I had to work yesterday. We waved goodbye as my parents jumped out of the subway and thought about plans for that next evening.

Turns out that migraine wasn’t going to go away so easily. I was up all night Monday – on and off, tossing and turning. I was in so much pain that I had to take yesterday as a sick day. After finding some pretty heavy duty meds I felt OK enough to meet my parents at the Natural History Museum. M. came too and it was fun seeing the different exhibits. The museum was packed with school kids on field trips and I was amazed at how those teachers were keeping track of their students…I’m sure they sleep well at nights after field trips!

My favorite exhibits were the gems and minerals (duh), but I also enjoyed seeing the dinosaur halls as well. The mammals section was also pretty impressive – I still can’t believe that those animals were somehow shipped back here from wherever they were “found”. Some of those animals were absolutely HUGE! I think we might go back again (sadly, my parents probably won’t get to experience it) so that we can see the butterfly conservatory, a special exhibit, where live tropical butterflies fly all around you – sounds pretty neat to me!

After the museum we stopped for a little bite to eat and a minute to rest our feet. We ended up getting tickets to a taping of Late Night with David Letterman so we headed towards his theater to line up. Turns out we were the lucky ones, because M. and I were chosen to sit in the very first row, literally the first two seats. I was wondering how the whole thing would go with my pounding headache, but I just hoped whoever the guests were they wouldn’t be too loud. WRONG – it was Snoop Dogg – HA!

The show was SUPER fun and even better, the special guest was Regis Philbin who was really great to see in person since years ago when I went to the Regis and Kelly show with my mom and sister he was on vacation and a fill in was in his place. Regis of course was hilarious and Snoop was pretty good himself – very loud, but really good. Even better were his dancers. I don’t know where these people come from, but man, they are intense….and so are the shiny red pants they were wearing!
Dinner last night was an easy choice since we were all pretty bushed from our day. And since I was running off of very little sleep. Pizza it was. We headed to one of my mom and my favorite pizza places near Columbia University for a quick bite to eat. As usual, the pizza did not disappoint and it was the perfect thing at the end of the day. We obviously had no room left in our stomachs for dessert, so back home we went! Exhausted and still fighting off the dull pain in my head I fell asleep pretty quickly and today I'm feeling refreshed and ready for a new day!

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!


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