Grandmother's Cat

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This is a portrait of my Grandmother when she was a young girl. My Grandmother had a great sense of humor and loved to tell stories. She told us lots of stories about all the pets she had when she was growing up. She also told us stories about all of the dogs my Dad had when he was young. One of her favorite stories was of the cat she saw in the window of the May Company in downtown Cleveland, Ohio.

Every Wednesday afternoon, Grandmother would go to lunch and a movie with her her sister-in-law. They would get all dressed up and wear their hats and gloves and go downtown for the afternoon. One afternoon on their way to one of their favorite restaurants, they were walking by the May Company. This was back when Cleveland was a thriving city and the May Company was one of the big department stores downtown. It was just down the street from where the movie "The Christmas Story" filmed the famous shots of Ralphie looking through the Higbee's Department Store window and later visiting Santa there too. In a display window at the May Company was this china cat. Well, Grandmother instantly fell in love with it and went inside to buy it. The sales clerk carefully wrapped her cat in layers of tissue paper and put it in a box. She then put the box in a large bag with a handle for Grandmother to transport safely home.

When Grandmother came home she placed the cat on the hearth by the fireplace and that's where it stayed for years and years. When I was a little girl I never tired of hearing the story of how Grandmother found her cat.

Grandmother is gone now. She lived a long and happy life and told us all many great stories. Her cat lives in my cottage now, underneath the portrait of Grandmother as a young girl. I hope that she approves. Thank you for visiting me today and hearing a story about my dear Grandmother. Lot's of other bloggers have their own stories to tell for this Show and Tell Friday at Cindy's Romantic Home. Bet sure to stop by and visit them as well.

Have a Great Weekend!!
Susan and Bentley


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