"Making Banana Pancakes"

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It’s certainly hard returning to work after one of the most relaxing weekends, but alas, I need to keep my job! :)

M. and I spent the weekend relaxing to the max. On Friday evening I arrived home and we ordered in since we were far too lazy to cook anything. Netflix so kindly delivered The Town to our front door which meant that was our Friday night movie. It was great – I loved it and have been waiting to see it for a while. I added a few more movies to our movie queue including Tangled (I’ve heard this was SUPER fun!), Black Swan (still haven’t seen this), and Morning Glory (another movie I’ve been dying to see). Netflix has got to be my favorite $10 spent each month.

Saturday morning we slept in and then I finally packed up all of the clothes that I’m sending off to my cousin. We were going to make Saturday an “out-and-about” kind of day, but after cleaning up the living room and packing up those clothes I was lounging on the couch and simply decided that I was going to stay in – the entire day. I didn’t want to do ANYTHING but sit around in my lounging clothes, watch TV, catch up on all of your lovely blogs, surf the net and relax. IT WAS AMAZING.

For breakfast on Saturday morning we ordered from a cheap, cheap, cheap breakfast place near our apartment. M. had mentioned to me that one morning he had tried their pancakes and said they were delicious so I was more than willing to give the restaurant a try. I ordered the French toast (look how much French toast this thing had for only $4.00) and M. ordered the chocolate chip pancakes. YUM. It was all delicious, but next time I think I might be going for those pancakes that M. ordered – they were AWESOME. And yes people…this is what I look like first thing in the morning…or well…late morning. No makeup, glasses on, hair a mess…oh yeah! As I mentioned above, the remainder of Saturday focused on doing absolutely nothing. I forced M. to watch The Stepfather (a cheesy, scary movie starring Penn B. from Gossip Girl) which was available on instant Netflix and we watched a couple of the basketball games including the Lady Vols win!

Sunday, Sunday. We were ready to conquer the day on Sunday since we had spent so much time inside on Saturday. It was pretty cold (this entire weekend actually) and so we bundled up and headed outside. Remember I wanted to buy a digital scale and some storage shelves? We finally made it over to Bed, Bath & Beyond and armed with two printed out coupons we navigated the always busy, always confusing store. We managed to make it out alive though, and now I have a pretty scale that gives me an easy to read number when I step on. We also picked up a nice storage item so that all of my dead-of-winter clothes are now put away for good. We had a very light lunch at Cosi (hummus sandwich – yes please!), stopped by the grocery store for some delicious, fresh fruit and then made our way home to watch a little more basketball and finish up some laundry. I also received an email Sunday afternoon that I had won a giveaway featured on the lovely Bright, Bold & Beautiful blog, these FABULOUS earrings which I will be picking up this week from Cameo Nouveau!

I needed to get in my “long run” for half marathon training purposes and so due to the cold weather I decided to just use the treadmill. Lucky for me The Princess Diaries (a favorite of my sister and me) was playing on E. so it was the perfect thing to watch while putting in the miles. With it being the very beginning of my training, I am trying to slowly build up speed on my miles. I ended up putting in a total of 6.26 miles. The first mile I ran at 6.0 (approx. 10 min. mile), the second mile I bumped it up just a tad to 6.3 (in around a 9:31 min. mile), the third mile I pushed to 7.0 (approx. 8:34 min. mile) and for the fourth mile I stayed around 6.5 (9:15 minute mile). Finally, my fifth mile consisted of 6.7 for .30 miles, 6.5 for .30 miles and 6.2 for the remainder. The last mile-.26 was spent at a brisk walk. It’s always the best way for me to cool down and for my muscles to start to stretch and relax….plus I needed to watch the end of the movie! :) I’ll be really excited when it starts getting warm enough to run outside since the fresh air would be so nice!

I’ll leave you with a final image…well, you’ll have to create this image, but last night while running there was a man two treadmills over wearing a red and white jersey (over sized) with a red and white ball cap tilted over to the side just-so who pumped his machine up to around 9.0 and sprinted it out while doing punches….very Rocky-esque huh?! It was odd. What was even more odd was the man who was on the rowing machine BELTING out Lady Gaga’s “Bad Romance” as if no one else in the gym could hear him….terrible.

Happy Monday everyone! :)


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