M. and I had such a wonderful weekend in Mississippi! We left the “DC Blizzard” on Thursday morning (and we were so happy to say goodbye to snow for a little while!! I mean, look at those pictures?!) around 10 am and instead of stopping to stay the night with his sister in Atla

nta we decided to drive all the way to Mississippi – it took us 15 hours and we drove through a total of 8 states, but we made it to M.’s grandparent’s house around 1:45 am.
On Friday we spent a relaxing day with M.’s family. We lounged around, ate A LOT (all thanks to M.’s grandmother’s fabulous cooking skills) and caught up with family

members that M. and I hadn’t seen in about a year! I enjoyed playing with M.’s cousins – I taught them how to play the card game “spoons” and they were hooked the rest of the weekend! For dinner on Friday we decided to pick up BBQ from “The Shed.” I actually mentioned this place on my post about our trip to Mississippi last year. The BBQ is SO DELICIOUS and we picked up three bottles of their secret sauce to have at home!
Saturday was the day of the wedding shower that M.’s Aunts and sister held for us. It was so fun! I met so many of M.’s family’s friends whose names I could only recognize from our wedding invitation list! M.’s Aunt Heather made a point to tell me that even though she’s been in the fam

ily for 16 years she still has a hard time remembering who is related to who! I tried my best to keep track, but must admit I also had some trouble!
All of the guests were so generous – we received so many wonderful gifts and they have definitely filled up our kitchen cabinets, bathroom and bedroom!! I laughed at the fact that I received a few cookware sets because now I have no excuse not to cook!

unately, I didn’t get many pictures on my camera, but M.’s sister did and hopefully she’ll send them our way soon! Here are a few that I did get though! Also, special note – we really missed M.’s brother David at the shower! I wish you could’ve been there David!!! :)
We started our drive home on Sunday morning and made our way to my home in North Carolina. We originally planned to stop through my town to pick up a gift that my mom had purchased for the shower, but because we decided to drive right through the evening we had the chance to open the gift on Sunday night. One of our favorite side dishes to make together (which my mom taught us how to make) is yu

mmy twice baked potatoes. Usually when we have dinner together and have the potatoes as a side dish, M. and I make them together so my mom’s gift was completely centered around those twice baked potatoes – she got us a ricer (which if you don’t have one, you need to get one! It makes the most AMAZING mashed [and twice baked] potatoes!), a book from William’s Sonoma titled “Potatoes”, some really nice olive oil and a pretty jar of coarse sea salt! It was a great way to cap off the weekend!
Today was my first day back at work since the 5th of February!! I can’t believe we had such a long time off due to the snow!
I hope that you all had a fabulous weekend – wedding planning is in full swing now – and while I was at home yesterday M. and I picked out our invitations!! I’ll show them off tomorrow! Can’t wait to FINALLY catch up on your blogs!
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