Staying Fit For Fun

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Oh my goodness is it ever disgusting outside today! I’m really dreading the fact that because of a big presentation tomorrow, I’m going to be out running errands in this all day long. Yuck!

Today let’s talk fitness. It’s already February 1st (can you believe it?! I honestly cannot!) and I’m sure that many of you added “lose weight” or “start an exercise routine” or even “go to the gym at least 4 times a week” to your list of New Year’s resolutions. I certainly challenged myself to get back into my routine and so far things have gone really well. I’ve been getting up in the mornings to do my running (6 am wake up calls are NO fun and I must admit, I’ve cheated and skipped a few of those mornings) and then when I come home from work the first thing I do is put on my workout gear and proceed to kick it with Jillian Michaels. There is nothing like relieving workday stress by “punching it out” in my NYC living room. HA!

As you know I had really wanted to try the Jillian Yoga video so that I could incorporate a new “at-home” workout into my routine. We all know how THAT ENDED. I’m actually kind of glad that it ended that way (although not happy about the $9 wasted.). Instead I had fun searching around on for a new workout video to try! I know that some people aren’t a fan of workout videos and “at-home” workouts in general, but when you live in NYC and have to pay rent here, the $10 you’ll spend on that video will seem a lot nicer when you look at the cost to take daily workout classes at a nearby gym. Obviously I’m a big fan of workout videos.

So while talking with one of my coworkers about workout routines she mentioned that she always really loved the Jackie Warner videos (another trainer who has become well known from a TV show…Workout on Bravo). So there I went clicking away on my computer and I finally decided on not one, but two new videos.

First, I went with the Personal Training with Jackie: Xtreme Timesaver Training. To be honest, I don’t really care that the title uses the word “timesaver,” because I can handle a 35-45 minute workout video after work – heck, I could handle an hour long work out video after work. Instead, what really intrigued me were the reviews from people who had used the video and the sample moves that were shown. I can’t wait to start this! I’m thinking I am going to alternate each day between Jillian and Jackie….hey, what’s up with all of these “J” named women trainers?!

The second video that I chose was Personal Training with Jackie: Crunch-Free Xtreme Abs. Man, Jackie most LOVE “Xtreme” body parts! I am really excited about incorporating this video into my routine as well. I certainly don’t have a huge stomach, but I tend to carry most of my weight from my tummy to my shoulders so I’m hoping this will help me really target those hard to perfect areas. This video also had great reviews and I think it will be interesting to try some ab moves that aren’t centered on crunches.

The videos should be here on the 3rd which means that I’ll be able to let you know pretty soon how tough the workouts are. What’s really great is that it’s fun to mix it up a bit and to try something new. I don’t want to get bored with working out because it is an absolute necessity. Adding these new videos will keep things fresh and tonight I plan on updated my i-pod and making a few new play-lists for my morning runs. What will be really great is when this weather finally stops being so ugly so that I can take a run outside….in the fresh NYC air….yeah.

Have you done anything fun to spruce up your workout routine since the beginning of the year?! Any dieting or workout tips you want to share?! I always like hearing what other people do to help them stay in shape and the things they do to keep motivated!

Have a wonderful Tuesday!

**I've included the links to the reviews on FitSugar because I found them to be pretty helpful -- although the reviews were also great!**


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