Serious Skin Detailer - $59.95 - a complete, age-defying facial that identifies and finely details-out all aspects of visually aging skin. It layers three specialized formulations to systematically: micro-peel and evacuate pores with skin brightening acids; flood the skin with effective antioxidants and nurturing skin hydrators and soothers; and draw-in and close-tight squeaky-clean pores for a tightened and unbelievably smooth appearance. After just one use, your skin will look and feel noticeably different. Perfect to use before a special event and/or as part of your weekly beauty regime.
When I saw this set came with a little dish and brush, I knew right away that I would love it - skincare that comes with little dishes or brushes or that I have to mix together myself is my kryptonite - it makes me feel like a skin scientist or something - I know, I'm so easy to please! Despite all of the different products, it's very easy to use - all you do is add a dropper and a half of the step 1 bottle into the dish and then brush it all over your face and jaw line. Wash out the dish and brush while you wait 3 minutes then add a dropper and a half of the step 2 bottle into the dish and brush that right over the first layer. Wait another 3 minutes and wash it all off with a damp washcloth. Immediately after removing steps 1 and 2, apply a mask of step 3 all over and let it set for 3-5 minutes - remove with a damp washcloth and splash clean with cool water. Then prepare yourself for super soft skin - it will be hard to resist constantly touching your face!
The product name really makes me laugh, and when I use it, I can't help but think of myself as a car being detailed. I haven't quite decided what kind of car though, am I a flashy sportscar? An import? Anything but a minivan!
Now I don't have sensitive skin or anything but I did notice that the area around my nose where I tend to be slightly sensitive tingled when using this product so I would recommend doing a patch test first if you are concerned. Also keep in mind that this product may make your skin more sensitive to the sun so be certain you wear sunscreen if you are going out afterwards. I probably wouldn't use this right before a special event as suggested because my skin was slightly red for about an hour after using, also when my skin feels that clean, I hate to put makeup on it!
You can find the Serious Skin line at The Shopping Channel - Lisamarie -
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