Our Wedding China

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Happy Tuesday!

First -- I've changed up my workout plan a little bit. I've decided to run 3 miles, weight lift and then do the Jillian Michael's video (The 30 Day Shred). I have been getting a little bored with my 4 miles/weight lifting everyday and I need to spice it up a bit! Hopefully the video will help! :)

Second -- I thought that today I would share our wedding china with you! M. has been such a sweet fiancee and has let me pick pretty much EVERYTHING for the wedding. The things that he had a say in so far have been the band choice, the baker (our cake tasting will be scheduled very soon) and surprsingly, our china pattern.
I discovered the Pickard line while shopping at a home styling boutique with my mom. I immediately fell in love with the monogrammed china!! I read somewhere that you're not supposed to monogram china because it "may look like a hotel," but I completely disagree! I think it's completely elegant and the perfect way to serve a fancy meal at home.
**Also, a little fun fact for you -- Pickard has also made appearances in the White House -- they're the President's official china "provider". To the left you can see a picture of Laura Bush with one of the beautiful plates crafted for the White House. **

Anyway -- I haven't yet registered for my china pieces. I'm still trying to decided if I want just the simple gold rimmed with gold monogram or if I want the gold with a color (they offer blue, green, burgandy, black). When we checked out the china in person, the line's "white" color (which you can see on the left of this picture) is actually more of a creamy white whereas the "ivory" color is a little too dull for me -- I'll be going with the "white."

My plan is to register for the china (once I pick the color combination) and then also register for some gorgeous contrast "patterned" accent plates to layer with the monogrammed pieces (not sure yet which line I will choose from). I am also not planning on having EVERY piece monogramed -- I don't want overload! Finally, how adorable are the tea cups?! I am absolutely obsessed with their little pedestal feet! Finally, we will be registering for the script font which is shown on the cup to the right rather than the block.

Truly, the china is even more beautiful in person! If you have a chance to check it out at a store or boutique near you -- I would definintely recommend it! Oh, and yes, M. approved this choice! :)


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