When I was in high school during the late 80s several of the more beautiful and popular girls suddenly sported a new hairstyle- a sleek and very severe ponytail with a mini (or not so mini) bouffant at the front. It required commercial quantities of hair gel and spray and made my curly haired self quite despondent. Another version of the same thing left the hair in the back down and in almost free form, while that big blob of hair was hanging precariously above one's forehead held by some kind of hair accessory. I actually had a friend who held unto this style well into the late 90s, but it looked quite dated by that time.

I've forgotten all about this and didn't pay much attention when I saw it on Beyonce or Gwen Stefani. I also ignored the beehives, real (Sarah Palin) or fake (Amy Winehouse). But browsing celeb photos today I've come across two very different actresses- Lauren Graham and Kristen Stewart- both showing some pouffness in the front. Should I bring out my flat iron and start experimenting? Maybe. I just don't want to end up looking like Snooki.
Photos: Socialite Life, Just Jared and Dlisted
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