NYC Weekend With The Sister-In-Law!

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Whew! That was a busy day yesterday!

I ended up helping out with another event and before I knew it almost the entire day had passed me by and I still had a pile of work to do at my desk! Needless to say there was just no time for a blog post...but I am back today to tell you about the fun weekend we spent with M.'s sister.

Unfortunately my camera died when I turned it on to take the very first picture so there won't be any exciting images for this post. Sorry!

Even though there are no pictures we had a wonderful weekend spent touring around NYC with my sister-in-law. Although it was COLD. In fact, it felt colder than usual for some reason. M.’s sister arrived on Friday evening and we all ate dinner together – homemade lasagna and rolls and fresh baked chocolate chip cookies for dessert. We stayed up for a little while catching up and then headed off to bed to be ready for some walking around the next day.

Saturday we got up and headed out on the town. Our first stop was the half price Broadway tickets booth. We arrived a little later than we had planned and the line was LONG (of course!) as it always is. We ended up buying tickets to see Mary Poppins and were super excited! After purchasing our tickets we realized that we were FREEZING and needed to head back to the apartment for quick clothing changes...or really, clothing additions! Before getting the apartment though, we stopped for a traditional NYC pizza lunch and then of course had to pick up a cupcake for a sweet dessert! :) After getting even more bundled up we headed out to visit Central Park and Grand Central Station. As usual it was all very beautiful -- even more fun was that while walking through Central Park it actually started snowing -- so picturesque with The Plaza Hotel in the background and still tons of snow on the ground in the park!

Before we knew it the time had flown by and it was already 3:30. We were going back and forth about whether or not we wanted to eat out before the show or save our dinner out for the next evening. We decided to go for it and perused the area for a great Italian restaurant. We stumbled into one quaint little spot and luckily (without reservations) we were able to be fit in before the CROWDS (literally if we had gotten there ten minutes later we would have been out of luck) started piling into the little candlelit restaurant. I ordered a delicious Gorgonzola and basil salad and my main entree was a grilled chicken and sun-dried tomato rigatoni in pink vodka sauce -- um -- YUM! M. ordered a delicious seafood risotto and my sister-in-law kept it classic with spaghetti and meat sauce. It was wonderful to sit in the warm restaurant eating the hearty Italian food -- the perfect pre-theater meal!

Turns out we left our tickets on the kitchen counter so we walked home to pick up the tickets, added a few more cold weather accessories and then headed off to the theater. A quick walk later we were being seated and the show began! I've been lucky to see SO MANY amazing Broadway performances/West End performances and this one certainly did not disappoint. I have actually never seen the movie Mary Poppins so I wasn't really expecting anything, but the story was really cute and the performers did a wonderful job. I actually wasn't too keen on the actor who played the little girl (I know, I know, mean theater critic here), but the actor who played the little boy was a wonderful singer and a great dancer! After the show I wanted to grab a picture by the Mary Poppins sign, but of course swarms of people were surrounding it so we decided to pass. A super fun NYC evening though! :)

Sunday we slept in and then headed out to find some lunch. We stopped by a local bar/grill and enjoyed a quick burger. After, we made our way to Hoboken, NJ to visit the Cake Boss (one of my sister-in-laws favorite shows!) bakery, Carlo’s Bakery. We waited in the crazy line and eventually made it into the bakery. It was NUTS in there. I must say, they probably could have had a little better system for organizing the customers…either way we each picked up a cupcake and we also had to try out their “famous” cannolis. To be honest, the cupcakes were exactly like what I would get at the grocery store, pretty disappointing actually(Georgetown Cupcake is WAYYYYYYYYYY better), but the cannoli was definitely delicious.

We were SO cold by the time we got out of there that we decided to head back to the apartment. We hung around the apartment watching episodes of The Office and Friday Night Lights and then decided to eat leftover lasagna for dinner. It was nice being warm and cozy inside of the apartment!!

Monday morning my sister-in-law had to get ready for her flight. She booked the Super Shuttle to head back to airport so after a super fun weekend spent touring around NYC she hopped in the car around 12:30. The rest of the afternoon I spent lounging on the couch with my husband. We enjoyed a quiet dinner together at a little restaurant down the street and talked about the weekend and the upcoming months. We've certainly had a lot of changes in our little family and we're excited for the future!

Back to work for me! Enjoy your Thursday -- I am so excited that the weekend has come so fast and I am looking forward to catching up on your blogs since I missed out yesterday! :)


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