Shutterfly Holiday Cards {you can get 50 free!)

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Have you heard of Shutterfly? Ifyou haven't ever checked them out, you should. Shutterfly is a one-stop onlineshop for all of your photo needs: photo prints, photo books, photo gifts, photocards and stationery – anything you can put a photo on, they’ve got.

Not only do they have everything you could ever want to put a photo on, theyhave cute pre-designed layouts (seriously cute… none of those ugly ones whereeven I could have done better) and competitive prices. Their photo books startat $12.99 and prints start at 15¢ (9¢ for pre-paid plans) and they almostalways have a promo for at least one popular item – woohoo! Plus, all the photos you upload to Shutterfly are stored at full-resolution, so, if the unthinkable happens and, say, your computer crashes, you'll still have those photos (and unlimited FREE photo storage).

My first (and only finished) photo book experience was with Shutterfly and Iam SO pleased with the resulting book. The fact that I finished it tells you wonders -- every other photo book I've started creating with another company is still unfinished because their pre-made designs and software are either too rudimentary -- not enough options to keep me satisfied -- or too complex -- so many options I don't know where to start!

Shutterfly’s easy online creation program and excellent pre-made designs combine to make it fastand easy to create anything, from a 20+ page photo book to a single holidaycard, and make it look amazing and professional. Their new photo uploaderis fast and easy to use, even if you don’t have blazing-fast internet, andinterfaces easily with Picasa… and we know how much I love Picasa!

So, as you’re shopping for fantastic holiday cards to send with your annualhere’s-what-we’ve-been-up-to family letters (or to send in lieu of saidletters), look at Shutterfly’s Christmascards and holidaycards. Here are some of my favorite designs -- all you have to do is toss in a picture and your text and you're set!
holly frame & starlight joy
christmas letter & frosted frame

mod snowflakes & bright colored lights

And, when you sign up for a new Shutterfly account now, you get 50 free 4x6 prints. I love free. :)

If you're a blogger and you also love free, go here to get the information about how Shutterfly wants to give YOU 50 free photo cards this holiday season.

Happy holidays (I can't believe I'm saying that this early...)!


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