Help Clarisonic and The Shopping Channel Celebrate! Contest!

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The Shopping Channel is celebrating one wonderful year with Clarisonic on November 17th and we've decided to start the party early!

Want to know about the guest of honour?  I can speak from personal experience on this one, I bought my Clarisonic a year ago and it's one of the best beauty investments I have ever made!  I can really feel the difference with how my skin feels when I use it compared to when I don't.  It also does a much better job of removing makeup!  Other Clarisonic benefits include: soft, smooth skin, better cleansing means products absorb better, reduces oily areas, dry skin patches and blemishes, reduces the appearance of visible pores, reduces the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Of course, what's a party without presents and what's a Clarisonic party without Clarisonic presents?!  How about your very own Classic Clarisonic?!  Better yet, let's give away two of them!

Included in each prize pack worth $237 is:
Clarisonic Classic 2-Speed Brush and Charger
Brush Head for Sensitive Skin
3 x travel size cleansers - Nourishing Care Cleanser (30ml), Gentle Hydro Cleanser (30ml), Refreshing Gel Cleanser (30ml)
Bonuses: Gentle Hydro Cleanser (6oz); Brush Head for Normal Skin, Brush Head for Delicate Skin

Want one?  I know stupid question!  Just leave us a comment letting us know what Today's Showstopper is and you are instantly entered.  You can find that info at  You can enter once a day!  For extra entries:  Tweet this contest (once a day), post it on your blog, "like" The Shopping Channel on Facebook, follow The Shopping Channel on Twitter and make sure you leave us a post letting us know you did it.

This contest is open to Canadian followers of Beauty Crazed - if you aren't a follower it's easy to sign up - you can follow through either Google or Facebook Networked Blogs - both signups are in the right hand sidebar!  Contest ends at midnight on November 17th.

And make sure you tune in to The Shopping Channel on November 17th for a great Clarisonic deal and to help celebrate!  And of course you can get a shopping fix anytime 24/7 at

- Lisamarie -


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