I hope that everyone had a fabulous Thanksgiving!! Mine was absolutely wonderful -- I had the chance to spend time with my family, ate lots

of great food, drank lots of delicious wine (we did a mini tasting for the wedding!) and watched a few really good movies.
I REALLY want to show you the STD's that we completed this weekend, but I am going to save them for Wednesday's post so that I can re-cap our night at The Nutcracker and some of my family's Thanksgiving activities (but I know you're going to LOVE the save-the-dates!!!!)
On Tuesday, November 24th M., C. and I attended the Kennedy Center's presentation of The Nutcracker (it was actually performed by members of the Philadelphia Ballet). We all dressed up & headed out the doo

r after eating a delicious meal cooked by M.
The Kennedy Center was of course gorgeous and the halls were buzzing with families and the children were all dressed up in their holiday best. The performance was really amazing. I've seen the Nutcracker many times, but this performance was the best. The dancers couldn't have been more perfect, the children were adorable and the costumes & set were breathtaking. It

was M.'s first time seeing the show & I'm pretty sure he was impressed. I snapped a quick shot of all of the dancers on the stage as they were getting ready to end the show! After the show we made our way back home & went to sleep so that we were ready for our trips home (& a whole bunch of traffic) in the morning.
Wednesday I had to work a half day, so my sister came with me to work & M. too

k our car & started his drive home. C. & I left around 1 & the traffic was TERRIBLE. It took us a total of 7 hours to get home when it normally would only take 5 -- miserable -- I did have some really good laughs with my sister though! :)

When we finally arrived home my mom had cooked a delicious dinner for us (Chicken Parm and fresh Ciabatta bread) and we relaxed & hung out. Thursday morning I was up early for a long run (5 miles!) and then got ready so I could help my mom with some of the cooking. She had already finished most of the work, but I did help her make the stuffing (which is my FAVORITE part of the meal).
My Aunt Cindy was in town visiting my Grandmother (who lives only 30 minutes away) so they both came over for Thanksgiving dinner. I really enjoyed visiting with both of them

and catching them up on all of the wedding plans!

Before dinner was served we all sat down (well, all but my mom who continued to prep for dinner) & watched Four Christmases. I thought this movie was hilarious. First, I absolutely LOVE Reese Witherspoon -- she couldn't be more cute or funny! Second, there was really great comedic chemistry betweeen Reese and Vince Vaughn. Sometimes I find Mr. Vaughn to be a little too much in movies, but in this flick he struck the perfect balance. The scenes at eac

h of the parent's houses are just so funny -- if you haven't seen it already, definitely rent it -- M. was at his house for the Thanksgiving holiday so I think I may have to rent it again so we can watch it together.
After the movie it

was time for dinner! We all grabbed our plates and stocked up on some DELICIOUS food. Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans with mushrooms -- yum -- I do love all of the parts to Thanksgiving dinner! We filled our stomachs with festive food & then made our way back to the living room to relax & wait until we were ready enough to eat some pie! I'm not a big pumpking pie fan so I enjoyed a slice of apple with a healthy dollop of whipped cream -- PERFECTION!

It was truly a fabulous holiday & I am excited that the Christmas season has started!!
I hope you all had a wonderful holiday & a fabulous Monday!
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