It’s that time people. It’s Friday which means the weekend is
JUST around the corner for all of you fabulous people and it means the last day of the first week at my new job.
Thank you for continuing to read and for commenting with such encouraging and kind words. You really have no idea how much all of your comments mean to me……and to those of you who feel as though it’s necessary to leave comments with words that are the complete opposite of kind and encouraging, words that are downright mean and not at all positive, and of course, you know who you are…well…I pray for you.
On a much more positive/happy note (which is one of the reasons I write this blog in the first place – to keep the positivity going) I figured I would list some of the great things that happened this week and a few things that I am really looking forward to…
I can’t wait for M. to arrive so that we can finish up the lease signing for our new city apartment and of course to spend some quality time together!-
The rain pretty much stopped by early this morning which meant a much nicer commute for me this morning...and a much nicer commute for my shoes!-
I’m so thankful for the wonderful girl who let me stay with her this week. I’ve been able to come home each evening to my own bed and bathroom in a warm and inviting environment which has been amazing during this week of changes.
- I’ve had really great chats with my Mom, sister and M. over the phone...and I am
NOT a big fan of chatting on the phone.
Speaking of my Mom, she’ll be staying with me this coming week – I can’t wait to spend some quality time together in my new home!-
I’m really looking forward to going back to church. I know that this kind of comes out of nowhere, but we never really found a church when we were in DC and I’m excited about finding a place, or two, where M. and I can go each weekend.
I had a great opportunity to get to know some of the girls in my department yesterday and it was really wonderful chatting with them and hearing the journey’s that they took to get to their job positions.
- With all that has been going on I’ve completely neglected to spend time getting excited about the holiday season, but I am SO excited about Thanksgiving and Christmas. We’ll probably stay in the city for our first married Thanksgiving and I am
DEFINITELY planning on attending the big parade! I’ve never been, so I’m really excited!
I survived my first week at the new job! I had ups and downs, but I can't wait to see what's ahead! :)
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