- Patiently (read: Impatiently) waiting to find out whether or not M. passed the bar exam

- Calling a bunch of apartment offices in NYC/New Jersey in an attempt to start the search for our new place
- Researching/Calling moving companies to find out rates -- there is no way in heck that we are going to try and move everything ourselves...unless we'll be living in Jersey where it will be easier to move in.
- Scouring my current office building for empty boxes to use for packing
- Trying to find a place to sleep (couches or even floors are fine!) for the first week/week and a half until we rent our apartment.
- Excited to see my grandfather and mom on Thursday. My grandfather will be in DC for his Flight of Honor! :)
That's all I've got for today -- my mind is running wild! Happy Tuesday!

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