Back at work today! Luckily my office had the day off yesterday which meant a super long weekend -- I literally almost felt like I didn't' have a job when Monday rolled around and I was waking up to the natural light of day outside rather than my buzzing, ringing alarm clock.
This weekend was beyond relaxing and M. and I took full advantage of it! On Friday I got to leave the office early because boss man was on a business trip.
During lunch though I picked up a cupcake from a local bakery -- pumpkin spice with cream cheese frosting and candied pumpkin seeds -- so fabulous! I arrived home around 4 and after a little TV time on the couch, M. and I visited one of our favorite burger joints in our neighborhood for

a little dinner. After, we walked around the Capitol and enjoyed the beautiful weather -- it felt more like springtime then fall and the sunset was really beautiful. We made our way home and watched Dateline -- of course I didn't even make it all the way through and passed out just before the end. Oh how I love my lazy Friday evenings!
On Saturday we slept in and while M. was gearing up for a little college football, I decided it would be nice to go run a few errands

on my own. I stopped by Target and TJ Maxx. I picked up a few really cute scrapbooking items for under $8!
I mainly went to Target to find dryer sheets. Yes, I realize that this is a crazy reason to make a trip to Target, but I am obsessed with these dryer sheet! My Aunt & cousin were the ones who first introduced me to the scent (Wild Orchid and Vanilla), but now I can't find them ANYWHERE. Unfortunately they were not at my local Target and I checked last month on a random trip to Wal-Mart, but they weren't there either! I'm desperate people!
After the failure at Target I drove into Old Town to pick up a treat for the husband. I frequent one cupcake shop in particular, but somehow always seem to get lost on my way to finding it.
Upon driving in to Old Town I saw a sign for the opening of a new cupcake shop,
Alexandria Cupcake, so I decided to stop in and give them a try! It was really nice actually -- the shop was giving away a complimentary cupcake so I picked up two for each of us. I chose the Dark Chocolate - Vanilla and the Dark Chocolate - Chocolate for M. and for me I chose the Coconut and as my complimentary cupcake, the Strawberry (you can see in the above photo that one of the cupcakes somehow walked off...not sure what happened?! M.???). We enjoyed them that afternoon and thought they were pretty good! I tried the strawberry (and saved the Coconut for after dinner) and really liked the (pink) strawberry buttercream frosting, but I wasn't

really a fan of the cake that went with it. I think the flavor was just a bit off. Although I totally loved the coconut -- it was perfect!
Saturday night we ventured to Maryland to have dinner at the house of one of M.'s new bosses! She cooked a delicious meal -- beef tenderloin, salad, baked potatoes and asparagus and we enjoyed getting to know her and her husband on a personal level although M. couldn't help but throw in some questions about his new position! It was really exciting hearing about all that he will be doing! :) We didn't end up getting home until around 10:30 so we watched a little TV and then headed off to bed.
Sunday I was determined to try a new restaurant in Georgetown, so we got ready and made our way over to Crepe Amour right near the (now) famous Georgetown Cupcake. We will
DEFINITELY be visiting Crepe Amour again -- the crepes were
FABULOUS! M. had the nutella and strawberry and I had the "Coco Loco" which was nutella, bananas and coconut. Seriously -- they were both pretty delicious. After our early lunch we trekked around Georgetown for a little while

popping in and out of our favorite shops. M. picked out a great new fall shirt and I admired all of the pretty fall fashions, but didn't end up buying anything.
That evening we took a long walk down the mall and then we went grocery shopping and picked up a delicious bottle of wine -- probably my new favorite. I e
nded up drinking a few glasses...maybe more than a few that evening while M. and I watched The Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan on ABC Family. Yes -- this is what married life is like. M. hadn't ever seen the movie and I'm still amazed that he sat through the entire thing -- the things he does for me! :)
I was excited to have Monday off and another four day work week ahead. M. and I had some pretty serious plans for Monday -- rent a paddle boat (I've been dyi
ng to do the paddle boats by the Lincoln FOREVER) and then spend the rest of the day shopping. Turns out the paddle boats closed
THE DAY BEFORE and will be closed until the spring -- seriously -- I was really looking forward to the paddle boats and we
FINALLY made a plan to take part in them and they are closed -- just my luck! So instead we just went for the shopping

part -- we stopped for lunch at one of our favorite BBQ places in VA and browsed the stores.
We used some of our wedding gift certificates to pick up a few things for the home/kitchen including a little jar of Hickory Smoked Sea Salt (from Williams Sonoma) that we tasted on some baked sweet potato chips. This salt is
DELISH and we plan on trying a little bit out on our chicken this evening.
So today is M.'s big day -- his first day of work! I know he is super excited to be working and to be doing something that he loves! Of course being the picture taker that I am, I made him pose for a photo this morning.
Here's to a wonderful law career for M.!
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