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You know that it’s going to be a long Monday when while you were sleeping just hours before you were actually dreaming about work…yes, I had a “work” related dream and when I woke up this morning to my alarm ringing at 5:10 for my workout, I have to say I wasn’t completely excited. So let’s talk about something that puts a smile on every girls face….shoes. I had a bit of a shoe-tervention if you will this weekend and finally decided to tackle a project I’ve been meaning to tackle for a while now.

Before we get to the project though, let’s talk about some craziness in New York City. Every morning I throw on my trendiest outfit, slip on a pair of RIDICULOUSLY high-heeled shoes, and swing by Starbucks to pick up my favorite piping hot coffee for my daily “strut” to work. Scratch that – I’m not crazy and this whole scenario is more crazy to me. I see SO MANY girls trekking through the city in these high-high heels (that they probably spent their entire month's paycheck on), and while I love the idea of looking good on my walk to work…I SO do not love the idea of ruining my favorite pair of heels…let alone falling in that huge crack in the road…or tripping while trying to navigate the old cobblestone streets near Chelsea Market. Also – I do not swing by Starbucks on my way to work…I’ve never been a big coffee fan, I’ve always been more of a flavored “coffee” kind of gal (cheating..I know). :) Either way, the other day I was walking to work behind a girl with a ridiculous pair of shoe-boots on and literally lunged to catch her from falling multiple times. I felt slightly embarrassed for her…not so embarrassed though that I wouldn’t take a photo of this poor girl trying to walk in her outrageous shoes. Come on girls, we can wait twenty minutes to look good in the office when we CHANGE INTO our heels…no need to break a heel on the street…or your face. Wear a pair of flats so that noone has to be worried about catching you..unless that's part of your plan...that Mr. NYC banker guy catches you and sweeps you off of your feet...luckily I didn't have to come all the way to New York and risk ruining my face to have that happen. :)

ANNNNNYYYYYWAY - The above story is not completely related to my weekend project, but still a funny one nonetheless, and actually, it kind of is related since today I am talking about shooooeeeeesss!

So this weekend was change-your-closet-from-summer-to-fall weekend and I am so glad that is almost over. I say almost because I have one more space bag left to empty that contains a stack of sweaters and some preppy blazers. While I really do have a clothing hoarding problem, even worse for me is my shoe hoarding problem (one fourth of my shoe collection is featured at left - sick, I know). I always mean to throw out pairs of shoes, but because my collection has grown to be so large, my shoes are always like new because I can rotate them often…they just never seem to really wear out.

In an effort to have an organized shoe collection I’ve been meaning to somehow categorize what is in the shoe boxes that I do have – my original though was the traditional “take a photo of the shoe and paste it to the outside of the box”. Unfortunately, I have no patience for photographing each pair of my shoes and then printing said photos, so instead I went a different route which I actually like much better. I don’t really need a photo to remind me what a pair of my shoes looks like, really I could probably list off almost every pair that I own, so instead I opted for a description method.

A snag that I ran into during my shoe-categorizing process was the fact that I don’t have the original boxes for a lot of my shoes, and of course some of the shoes didn’t come with boxes in the first place (hello T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s purchases!). I needed a plan for where I could get the max amount of usage from the shoe boxes that I do still have even though I knew that in the end, a portion of my shoes would always have to be displayed in my Container Store shoe hanger.

So I got to work on my shoe organization project. First I created a little “logo” to attach to my shoe boxes and I included blank lines (in pink of course!) so that there would be a spot for a written description of what I was putting in each shoe box. I simply used powerpoint to put the label together and it was a snap...under 5 minutes for the "design" portion. The positive to these “logos” is: 1. All of the boxes in my closet, although different sizes and colors, actually look streamlined, 2. I didn’t have to spend three hours photographing my shoes/printing out photos, 3. I had an excuse to re-use my wedding day “duogram” that was featured on our invitations/throughout our wedding décor. I printed out three per page and got to work writing out my shoebox contents.

Once I attached my new “logo” to a few of the shoe-boxes (using plain old clear packing tape) I instantly loved it. Not only did it make it look like I had my own little shoe company :), but I loved that I could easily read was the contents of each box were. I stacked up some of the completed boxes and it made me smile - then I remembered I was a shoe hoarder and I got a little anxious - so I moved all of the boxes into my closet where I pretended I didn’t have as many pairs as I know that I really have.

Each box was labeled with a "warm weather" shoe and a "cold weather" shoe so that I will always know which box to use for which pair and there will always be a place for most of my nice shoes to hangout. This also means that all of my shoe boxes are always put to use - off season shoes are stored in their correct boxes all the way at the top of the closet (where I don't really need to see them for now). The shoes that are “out-of-season” and do not have a happy shoebox to live in were piled into a large, clear Rubbermaid container for a nice little nap until next spring/summer.

A nice little weekend project completed! Hope your weekend was fabulous!

**Sorry for the blurry photos...totally i-phones fault! :)


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