October Goals

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Four days into October and I haven't even listed out any new goals for the month let alone updated my progress on my September goals. Shame on me!

September was seriously the most insanely busy, crazy-everyday month that I have had in a very long time. When I look back on the past month now...I realize just how ambitious some of my goals really were when, at the time, I felt like they would be a piece of cake.

In reality I only truly accomplished two of my goals (out of five), but one is quickly on its way to being accomplished...that is the half marathon I will be running at the beginning of November. Luckily, training for the half marathon helped me to accomplish the find a work-out plan and stick to it goal and Mad Men allowed me to accomplish my goal of spending more quality time with my husband without the computer staring back at me.

So what didn't exactly happen in the month of September? Well...the good old blog redesign did not reach completion...or actually, I did even touch it the entire month of September. Like I said..I was way busier than anticipated. I'm going to re-add this to my goal for October and cross my fingers it gets done. October is going to be another crazy busy month and so I'm not making any promises.

I've done a pretty good job with the baking portion of my cooking and baking "goal", but really need to get more on top of the cooking side. I love having a home cooked meal at night - and I know M. really appreciates it too...so I am re-adding this to the list and I am going to do my best to cook dinner two to three nights a week. I know this doesn't sound like a lot, but some nights we just end up throwing something together at the last minute so we're not ordering out EVERY night. I'm going to do my best to actually plan out the meals in advance, just like the old days back in DC. I'm laughing at myself right now because I'm such a broken record and have typed this goal more times than I would like to count. Hey, maybe if I keep on writing it over and over and over again it will actually happen! :)

I've got a few "home" related projects that I would like to complete this month too so those are being added to the list.

Mostly this October I just want to enjoy the beautiful changing season and soak in all of the time I get to spend with loved ones. That should be plenty easy to accomplish! :)


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