Well, I've officially complicated things....I got the big call yesterday evening from the woman I met with in HR...and..................
I GOT THE JOB! I was in complete awe when she told me. I had really convinced myself that I hadn't got it and of course was starting to feel
OK about it, but then...I got it!
I am beyond excited for this new opportunity (of course I accepted the position!) and a new adventure, but boy did it really couldn't have happened at the most "wrong " time.Over the last couple of months I have prayed about it a lot -- not just the job situation, but M. and my situation in general. We obviously have a great life in DC and M. just started a great new job, his first job, working as a lawyer. I applied for a job with this company
(I need to come up with an alias for it for the blog) and really never thought I had a chance, but then I got the

call for an interview and that was completely and utterly exciting in itself. Turns out the interview went really, really well and I felt like I actually had a shot at getting the job and then it was a whole different ballgame. M. and I actually started talking about what our plan would be if I was offered the position.
In the back of my mind, even with a great interview under my belt, I still didn't think this whole scenario would actually play out and end with me moving to New York with a new job with my dream company, but....it did. I was already home from work when I got the call from HR. M. was still in court so I sat on the couch and thought about it all - alone - for about two hours. I thought that if I was offered the position I would be jumping up and down excited and smiling from ear to ear,
but instead I found myself in more of a reflective and serious state. It was actually kind of nice not to have anyone around when I found out because it gave me a chance to process just how much our lives will change and how big of a decision taking this new position is.
When M. eventually got home from work (around 7pm) I stood up off of my sp
ot on the couch and gave M. the news - I really couldn't hold it in any longer - and I wanted to make sure that M. was the first person that I told. His reaction wasn't "bouncing off of the walls" either and that was OK. Even though I knew he would be happy for me I also knew that it would be a little bittersweet.
I don't think more than 2 words came out of my mouth before I started crying. I wasn't crying because I was completely upset, but for the first time in my life I truly saw the effects of caring about someone else's feelings and happiness more than my own. I desperately want M. to be happy and as much as I want this job in New York, it is no where near as important as my husband.
It simply amazes me just how supportive M. really is. Of course I always knew that he was supportive, but last night he really just blew me away. He immediately went into his "inspirational" mode and said something to the effect of..."In the future how can we tell our kids that they can do anything and that they can have all of their dreams come true if we never take risks to make our dreams come true too?"S
eriously -- M. is pretty inspiring and completely selfless. So...Big Apple here we come!!! I have so much work to do it's insane -- packing, storing things away, preparing myself to live out of a suitcase for a while, spending as much time with M. as possible (it's truly unfortunate, but we'll have to live apart for a little while so that we can get our apartment in DC rented), figuring out where I'm going to live for the first couple of weeks, getting all of my stuff at my current job in order.....telling my current boss that I'll be leaving (not looking forward to this AT all)...the list just goes on and on.
I am sure that we will encounter some hard times along the way, but I wouldn't want to go through this experience with anyone else -- my best friend and the love of my life! Cheers to a new adventure!
PS: How fab is this NYC themed photo shoot with Cameron Diaz (one of my favs!)
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