It's no wonder with a name like "Beauty Crazed" that we are very interested in the way we look - and of course in our youth obsessed culture it goes without saying that we are especially focused (fine, obsessed with) on products and services that claim to make us look younger. It's nice to know we're not alone - in the documentary, Make Me Young, Mitch McCabe, the daughter of a plastic surgeon, sets out to investigate why Americans are so obsessed with aging. She spends 2 years traveling across America visiting doctors, experts and an interesting cast of characters (including a Jack Nicholson lookalike) searching for answers. If you're squeamish (like me) you'll want to turn your head away for the surgery footage but the rest of it is "can't stop watching" fascinating! Whether it makes you think "what the hell am I/they doing?" or "when can I get my next procedure?" it sure does make you think!
You can check out the trailer here:
http://www.youthknowsnopain.com/The film is available nationwide in the US or through VSC in Canada:
http://www.videoservicecorp.com/Documentary/Make-Me-Young-Youth-Knows-No-Pain/ Better yet, win your very own - we have 5 copies up for grabs!
Want in? It's super easy! This contest is open to US and Canadian residents. All you have to do is join Beauty Crazed as a follower if you aren't one already. You can either do it through Google or through Networked Blogs on Facebook - you can find both signups on the right hand side of the Beauty Crazed site. Once you belong to our crazy family just leave a reply to this post letting us know you want in and if you have ever considered having plastic surgery and if so, what you would have done - I've course we'd also love to hear about any work you have done already too! If you give the contest link a tweet and/or post it on your blog, there's an extra entry in it for you! Including an e-mail address would be extra helpful and you can write it like this - info(at)beautycrazed(dot)ca - so the bots can't find you but we can. If you prefer not to leave your info on a public post, please leave a post saying you want to enter and then e-mail us your info - info@beautycrazed.ca, please put "Make Me Young Contest" in the subject line. Winner to be decided by random drawing and you have until October 29th to enter. - Lisamarie -
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