So counting today I only have four days left at my current job and I am starting to get pretty excited about starting in a new position. In my current position I have very little (READ: NO) daily interaction with people. Of course I talk to people on the phone, but for the most part I am sitting at my desk towards the front of the office with no one around me. Our office only has four employees (counting me) and even with the five interns we have each semester it still is incredibly quiet around the office on a day to day basis.
Now this is VERY unlike me, but because I rarely interact with others in my day to day work and because our office is very relaxed I often come into work not looking my best, actually I look terrible, I can't even believe my husband still thinks I'm pretty -- meaning I often times don't wear makeup, I put my hair up in a ponytail and repeat outfits like its no one's business. I know that some of you ladies are having a heart attack right about now, but to be honest,
I just don't feel that great about myself at my current job (which could explain why I started looking for a new position). Because I see the same three people everyday (and barely interact with them) I just don't have any motivation to get dressed up or use up my nice (and often times expensive) makeup when I literally go to work and come home without any real interaction.
Alright, I feel like I've repeated the same thing over and over so now onto the next part of this post....So anyway, in my new position I will be around
A LOT of people and working at a company where being polished and professional is a must.
To be honest, polished and professional reall
y is who I am, but it's amazing that the job I am currently working has made me throw that all out the window simply because of the environment. It just further proves to me that I need daily interaction in my professional life and I thrive on being around other people -- not on being alone.I am truly excited about feeling like myself again -- putting makeup on in the morning, doing my hair, and wearing all of the fabulous pieces of clothing that hang in my closet! It's going to be like a breath of fresh air! At the same time, I'm going to have to get back to how I was in high school -- waking up early enough to make all of this happen.
In my current position I need to be at work at 9am and my commute is only about a 12 minute drive. I literally wake up at 8:15 and get to work early everyday. Awful, I know. I remember when I would get ready for high school everyday -- I would get up at 6:15 so that I could be primped and ready for school by 8:15. I had a whole routine down of when I would blow-dry my hair, when I'd put my makeup on and how I would fit in breakfast or even an early morning run!
I've decided I need to go ahead and start getting used to getting up early again. At my new job we'll still have a start time of 9am which is great, but I'll need a new routine.
So as of tomorrow I am going to be getting myself out of bed early to prep myself for the early mornings I'm going to be having starting on November 1st. I'm not sure how my commute will be to my new job yet because we haven't found where we will officially live, but I know there will be a commute and I know that I will need enough time in the mornings to make myself look "pretty" (or like an actual human being...unlike how I look for my current work days).
If I'm missing from blogland tomorrow it's because my head will be on my desk half asleep....we'll I said, I'm excited to be myself again! :)
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