Howdy! It's Tuesday and ANOTHER beautiful, sunny day in the city. Right now I am munching on lunch that I packed at home and brought into the office.When I started working here almost a year ago (November 1st!) I remember talking to my husband about how AMAZED I was that people in the office bought lunch EVERY-SINGLE-DAY. It literally WOW'ed me considering meals in New York are not so cheap, and going out for lunch or ordering in for lunch everyday seemed like an easy way to kill any diet or eating plan.
One year later (almost), I realized that I had fallen into the same trap as the others. I have been buying lunch WAY more than I would like to and again, not only has it been hurting my wallet, but it's also really hurting my eating plan. Granted, there are healthy options here at work, and ALMOST ALWAYS I opt for the salad or the light soup option.
Either way, I decided last night that it was time for a change.
You all know how much I love a challenge, so I figured, why not go for staying away from the "at work lunch options" for one month. Bring a lunch made at home from today until the fifteenth of December (I've added extra days since I will be out of the office for Thanksgiving.) It will be a great testament to my willpower (since everyone ELSE is doing it) and it will help my moo-lah stash too!
So here's one exception....on Friday, my FAVORITE food vendor comes to the office. Luckily, I always order the same thing - a salad - but it's one thing I love about Friday's and I almost always eat lunch that day with my favorite co-workers.
So there is one little special "treat" at the end of the week for eating "made at home" lunches the other four days. As I mentioned above, I don't ALWAYS buy lunch at work, but here are the calculations of the money I will save from now until December 15th.
On average, lunch at work costs $8.50...take out Friday's from the set time period...and the total that I will save is $229.50! That's a whole lot of money! Of course, I will have to supplement my at-home grocery supply so that I can bring my lunches, but I can tell you, I can eat for A LOT cheaper from home.
Hopefully I can complete this challenge.
It's always a little bit easier to accomplish once it's set in writing on this blog...for example...yesterday I told you about my lack of motivation to get up early enough to workout....well, today I got my butt out of bed and completed that workout. It may not seem fun to get up early to workout at the time, and it may not be fun to always bring my lunch to work, but I like that feeling of accomplishment - it makes all of my days a whole lot more positive!
Here's to lunches from home!
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