Check out this great Splurge vs Steal over at Prime Beauty. Cindy did a look with both palettes--can you guess which is which?
My Lips But Better swatches MAC's upcoming holiday collection, A Tartan Tale.
Has Emma finally found her HG foundation? Head over to BirdsDecorateBranches to see if YSL Teint Resist might just be yours too!
Pink Diva's Beauty Spot loves all of the pink beauty products for Breast Cancer Research month. Check out some of her favourites.
Retrodiva checks out Annemarie Borlind to see if going natural is possible with oily and breakout prone skin.
TheGlossGoss reviews her Haus Of Gloi haul. Halloween themed products -- perfect for the Autumn season!
Good bye Neutrals, Hello Drama! Jenn spices it up over at Spiced Beauty.
Audrey Dao has 2 giveaways going on for the month of October. Check them out now before it's too late....
DailyPolish celebrates reaching the 1 year mark of daily posts of newpolishes and manicures with a giveaway where the first prize is worth over £200!
Jellyminx has a spooky giveaway, enter before it closes on Halloween!!
- Annual round-up... Beauty follower: So guys. Christmas is coming. Snow is falling. The intensive lip balms have come out at LBR.And as...
- "Blurb Styled" Comeb... Beauty follower: Wow! I took an entire week off of blogging! I’m a little sad that I didn’t document this week...
- It started with 35...... Beauty follower: ...the guest list for our engagement party that is -- and then of course ( like all things in a...
23/10/10 Link Love
on social network:
- Merry Christmas 2010... Beauty follower: Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that you have the most wonderful day spent with your friends and...
- Merry Christmas!... Beauty follower: Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it! We hope that wherever you're spending it, you...
- Holiday Plans 2009... Beauty follower: Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Monday! I was lucky enough to have off today from work...
- Our First DC Snow... Beauty follower: M. and I knew that the weather here in DC would be different than what we are used to in the South,...
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