Check out the duo-chromed awesomnicity (yes that is a word!) that Aijuswhanakno found through Persephone Minerals.
Withblogger events and launch parties, it's Illamasqua overload atHellcandy make-up! Check out the photos from the launch party here.
Majolica Majorca Lash Expander Mascara and Yinnie's lashes become BFFs over at Looking Glass Beauty.
Daily Polish professes her love for all things Catrice with the turquoise lacquer, "I Sea You!"
Over at The Glamorous Gleam, Mz. More gives you a sneak peek at the new Sleek MakeUp Bad Girl & Good Girl Palettes, due to be released on October 27th!
Eyelining uses some NYX pigments to demonstrate how bad packaging can ruin a perfectly good product.
You need an idea for Halloween? Vesna at Beauty addict blog has one: turn yourself into a Dark Fairy for this year's Halloween!
Jellyminx jumps on the naked band wagon and shares a look created using the Urban Decay Naked Palette.
The Lip Print discovers a products with a Happy Philosophy; you can share the love too!
Jeweled Thumb is celebrating reaching her 400th post with a giveaway! Enter to win Stila, ELF, BE, Milani Bare To Wear and more!
- Annual round-up... Beauty follower: So guys. Christmas is coming. Snow is falling. The intensive lip balms have come out at LBR.And as...
- "Blurb Styled" Comeb... Beauty follower: Wow! I took an entire week off of blogging! I’m a little sad that I didn’t document this week...
- It started with 35...... Beauty follower: ...the guest list for our engagement party that is -- and then of course ( like all things in a...
09/10/10 Link Love
on social network:
- Merry Christmas 2010... Beauty follower: Merry Christmas everyone! I hope that you have the most wonderful day spent with your friends and...
- Merry Christmas!... Beauty follower: Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate it! We hope that wherever you're spending it, you...
- Holiday Plans 2009... Beauty follower: Hello everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Monday! I was lucky enough to have off today from work...
- Our First DC Snow... Beauty follower: M. and I knew that the weather here in DC would be different than what we are used to in the South,...
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