Thoughts for Thursday

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1. It's a slow day at work today which means that it makes waiting to hear about these potential jobs even more difficult. Are you getting sick of hearing about me wanting to hear about the jobs?! I know, I'm sorry, but I warned you in THIS post that I wouldn't have great blog content until I find out. Sorry...kind of.

2. It's raining and gross here -- and I like it. These 70 degree days are such a nice break from the 90+ degree days we were having just about a week ago. I'm so excited to start wearing actual "fall" clothing. Unfortunately with the slow day at work the rain is really just making me want to snuggle up in bed and watch a movie.

3. You know those "Free Coffee" certificates that Starbucks sends out for your birthday!? Well, I got mine about three weeks ago and I've been saving it up for the perfect day. I think that today is the day -- I'm not sure if those certificates expire once your birthday month is over, but good thing I chose today as the day because its the last day of September (WOW! I can't believe September is OVER!) Either way, I'm really excited about my special and FREE drink! :)

4. I've been purusing the Kate Spade web site and would like the following: this fabulous pink Dazzle Dinah Jacket (FOUND HERE), the absolutely adorable Studio Piper Skirt (FOUND HERE), and the Studio Reade Dress (FOUND HERE) especially worn with those almost crazy-amazing red tights. In addition, I would also like the ultra-feminine with a little sex appeal, Kolleen Boots (FOUND HERE) and just for fun you can also throw in the Charm Glitter Bow Slingback Pumps (FOUND HERE)

5. I just discovered that my work computer (which was updated a few weeks ago) now has a free trial of Photoshop Elements. If you've read my blog before than you must know that I LOVE Photoshop. So again, with the slow workday I may be having some serious design fun today on Photoshop.

6. I have two avocados at home right now that are ready to be used -- even though its not hot and sunny out, I am going to make some guacamole tonight and enjoy it with my obsession, Stacy's Original Pita Chips.

7. I'm extremely excited about the weekend because I am going to buy space bags (you know, those bags that you suck all of the air out of to store things?) from Bed Bath & Beyond to store all of my summer clothing. I know, it's kind of sad, but I am so excited to store all of my summer stuff away, especially while taking up a lot less room because of said space bags.

8. There is a girl in my sorority who is just recently engaged. We're in no way close friends, but of course we're friends on Facebook. Anyway, I know she is SUPER excited about getting married (and of course I am happy for her), but she literally updates her "status" on Facebook every TWO SECONDS with some wedding related comment, update, or photo relating to planning her wedding. I'm not trying to be hateful, but I'm just getting annoyed at seeing EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of her engagement and wedding planning process played out in tiny snippets...examples include "Wedding planning is SO STRESSFUL, how are we ever going to pay for this?!", or my personal favorite with an attached mobile uploaded photo, "Here is a photo of a paper napkin from dinner tonight that we used to write down all of our wedding ideas". Someone should tell her to start a blog to track all of that stuff...just like a lot of us have long as she doesn't post a link to her blog updates on Facebook...

9. The following occurred 5 minutes before closing the office yesterday. My boss called me into his office to ask me a question about his computer. He wanted to save a word document that he was typing. I told him to click file>save and then choose the "My Documents" folder that he wanted to save it in. He told me that he already saved it in his email. I told him that saving the document directly from Microsoft Word in his email was impossible. I showed him the "My Documents" folder on his computer. He told me that he never knew that My Documents existed. Sheeeeeeshhhhh.

10. Have I mentioned me and M. are still waiting to hear about jobs?! Oh, well, we are! :) :)

Happy Thursday -- almost the weekend!! :)


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