Happy Monday! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. I had three exciting things happen this weekend!
A new addition: Her name is Thelma. She's a 1TB Iomega external hard drive.
Thanks to Thelma, I no longer wake in fear every morning. Fear that my computer is dead and all my photos gone to their digital grave with it. (This has happened to me before. Sad day.) I have been living with this fear since the spring when we filled up our other external hard drive and had to wait until the fall for a paycheck substantial enough for even a small investment like Thelma. And her 1TB capacity means that she and I will be together a looong time before she's full and I move on to some younger, better looking external hard drive.
A competition honor:Yes,
Elephant and I made the top ten of the Iron Crafter this round! Woohoo! Now the winner is determined by the popular vote, so
hop over to Fireflies and Jellybeans to cast your vote for your favorite cardboard craft!
A blog award:Gwen from
Gwenny Penny was so kind as to pass along the One Lovely Blog Award. I'm so flattered that she thought of me!
So now I get to practice bloggy karma and pass the blog award along! Here's how the award works:
- Accept the award. Post in on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his or her blog link.
- Pay it forward to 5 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.
- Contact those blog owners and let them know they've been chosen.
And here are the lovely blogs that I've chosen to pass the award on to:
I'm glad that I had such a fun weekend because my to-do list this week is topped with
mending. The Mr has a couple pairs of pants that need some work, so I'm tackling my whole overflowing mending basket:
Wish me luck!
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