We enjoyed a relaxing weekend here in DC and tried to keep our minds off of the potential jobs.
In odd Positively Preppy in Pink fashion, I didn't take one single photo this weekend! Now you know I'm really rattled about the jobs -- I ALWAYS take pictures! On Friday evening I left M. at the apartment to fend for himself and I headed off to meet my good friend Jen for dinner and a glass or two of wine. She lives in Arlington so it wasn't a long trek over to her neck of the woods. We sat outside on the patio of a fun restaurant, enjoyed a grea

t glass of wine and split a wood grilled pizza. Yum. We caught up on the goings-on of our lives and reminisced on the times we spent together in London and at our university. I didn't stay out too late and came home to find M. busy watching old episodes of the Soprano's.
Saturday we slept in (of course) and I started going through some of my fall/winter clothing and trying to figure out things that I could donate or throw away. I always go into this task with the intention of really pairing down my "collection," but I always end up with only a small bag. I really need to look at what I wear and don't wear and get rid of those ignored pieces, but I have this problem with getting too attached to my things -- always thinking I'll use a piece at some point. Oh well -- I'm working on it. I also had the chance to watch the movie Valentine's Day while sifting through my piles of stuff. What a cute movie -- and so many great actors! M. spent the morning and early afternoon watching the college footballs games.
His beloved Te
nnessee Vols pulled out a win! Late Saturday afternoon we attended a cookout hosted by one of M.'s law school friends who now lives in MD. It was nice catching up with a few of his friends and hearing about what they've been doing since graduation/passing the bar exam (M. is still waiting on his results which come in on Oct. 20th). We made our way back home to DC and I finished up some of my cleaning/organizing.
Sunday morning when we got up it was gray and rainy outside (starting to feel more and more like fall!). We just lounged around all morning before driving over to meet my Aunt Jill who is in town for work. We showed her our apartment and enjoyed a really great dinner together at our favorite restaurant in Old Town.
It was fun catching up with my Aunt and hearing stories of her two great kids (my cousins) and their high school adventures.Now I am back at work, it's still raining outside, and I am still waiting to hear about M. and my potential jobs. Good thing I have calmed myself down now and am at peace with waiting to hear the news -- good or bad. Tonight I am going to continue my "cleaning" process and attempt to clear off one of our bookshelves and possibly the pantry.
I'm determined to minimize all of the "stuff" in my life! Enjoy your Monday, I hope that you have some sunshine wherever you are!
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