Summer might be “over,” but I am still craving summertime treats. I’m pretty sure it’s just the warm weather that makes me crave ice cream/frozen yogurt because typically I don’t have much of a sweet tooth…really, normally
I would much rather enjoy a great sandwich than have a chocolate cupcake…weird, I know.So yesterday when I was at the grocery store with M. picking up our weekly necessities something new caught my eye in the ice cream section...
Blue Bunny Aspen Frozen Yogurt Granola Bars (whew…that was a long one!).
Usually I stick to buying the Ciao Bella Blood Orange Sorbet Bars. With only 60 calories they are a great dessert option for weeknights -- I just wish they would put 4 in a box rather than 3.
Either way, I decided to try these Blue Bunny Frozen Yogurt Bars and chose the Raspberry Vanilla flavor.After dinner last night I decided to give one a try
...Oh my goodness! DELICIOUS! Even though they have a higher calorie count than the Ciao Bella Sorbet Bars (150 vs. 60) th

ey’re still low enough to be a weeknight dessert, but maybe just an every other night thing. :)
I read up a little on these little bars and found that they also come in a Double Strawberry flavor. These bars are said to, “…provide the health benefits of both yogurt & granola…” and “…deliver healthy doses of calcium and fiber while also providing probiotics from the yogurt.” Each bar is layered with low-fat frozen yogurt and fruity filling (almost jam like) and then topped off with crunchy granola and covered in rich vanilla coating
Seriously, these may just be my new favorite “ice cream” treat, but I’m betting that my cravings for ice cream are on the way out with the fall season on its way in…
Have you ever tried these Blue Bunny treats?! What’s your favorite low-cal weeknight dessert?!
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