Catching my breath for second over here. With the holidays on their way (yes, really, they are!) things at work have picked up
SIGNIFICANTLY which means that I really should be smarter about having something written in the morning rather than relying on trying to fit it in any other time of the day, BUT...
Happy September 1st! While I am sad to see the slow summer Friday’s at work go away, I’m pretty excited for all things that Fall has to bring with it…including those stress-at-work inducing holidays. New York is already cooling off and it’s such a relief! I’m gearing up to start a little organizing this weekend, putting away some of my summer clothes and starting to add in my “transition” pieces.
We didn’t plan a fun weekend away for the Labor Day holiday, but I know that on Saturday M. will be glued to the TV for college football (his precious VOLS start their season again), and we’ve got a long day at Central Park planned too. We also haven’t dined out at a “nice” restaurant in a while, so we have reservations on Monday evening at
ABC Kitchen, the restaurant that is in the AMAZING home store, ABC Carpet & Home (ahhh…I could look there forever!).
Other than that I plan on packing up my bags for my friend's wedding which will be on September 10th. I can't believe it, but since I don't have to work on Monday for the holiday and then since I'll be leaving next Thursday for that event, I'll only have a two day work week next week! EEK! Just a little excited about that! :)
But of course that means that I really need to make sure I have everything in order before leaving!
So since it's the first day of September, and my 24th birthday is literally JUST around the corner, I figured it would be smart for me to reevalua
te and set some new goals.First up - I've decided that I am going to FINALLY sign up for a half marathon and it's actually pretty soon - October 2nd to be exact. I'm not going to run for a specific time or try to go crazy fast, but I just want to finish it. I know that once I finish this one I am going to want continue signing up for races and THEN will start setting time goals for myself. The "training" has been going on for some time now, but I'm really kicking it in this last month. Oh, and I just this goal will technically fall in October....but the last bit of training is it works!
The second goal for September - Finally finish updated this little blog. I've been working on some minor updates for a while now and PRETTY MUCH have everything ready to go, but I'm still working out some of the technical glitches and want to make sure everything is perfect before I "put it all out there".
Third up, continue the cooking/baking I've been doing over the last month. We've cut our "going out" meals in half and I'd like to cut it even more. M. and I have both been eating really healthy lately (despite our weekend adventures of course!) and it feels good to put real meals on the table!
My fourth goal for September, figure out my best workout routine and stick to it. At my old job, working out in the middle of the day and after I got home worked for me. At my current job, I still haven't really figured it out. For spurts of time I have gotten up in the mornings and that has worked, for a couple of weeks I tried splitting things up into morning and afternoon workout, but I still really haven't gotten into my "groove" of what works best for me. I am a creature of habit and I like to follow the same schedule over and over again. This goal I know won't take long once I really make up my mind.
I feel like five goals is a healthy number for one my fifth goal is to spend less time on this computer and more time with my fabulous husband. Now don't worry, I won't be neglecting this little blog (I mean, heck, one of my goals for the month is to finish my "redesign"), but it's so easy to come home from work and even though I've been on a computer for the majority of my day, I still sit down after dinner and peruse the web. I think it's time to start spending less time with my technology!
So Happy September and I look forward to checking back in at the end of the month to see how I've done with all of these goals! :)
Enjoy this beautiful Thursday!
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