While I am awaiting the go ahead (or complete and utter rejection) on a new job, I figured it may be entertaining to take a look at a funny event that happened the other day in my office -- well, not exactly IN my office, but rather in the women's bathroom of my office building.
First -- a little background...Without giving too much away, I work for a small government relations/lobbying firm in the DC area. Not exactly what I've always dreamed of doing, in fact, not even close. My poor husband has endured hours upon hours of me complaining about what I do.
Even though I complain a lot, my current job it really very "cush." I typically get out early (at least twice a week), my boss is incredibly understanding and nice, and I am very much "on top" of all of my work. Plus, with the economy the way that it is and with so many people still looking for jobs I truly am thankful to have this position.
So the office building where I work is filled with law firms, consulting firms, and non-profits and I've found that
a lot of the people I have encountered in the building are pretty stuffy and a little grouchy acting. Of course I'm not saying that if you're working for any of the above types of offices that you're stuffy and grouchy, but it's just an observation I have made about my particular office building.
Annnnnnywayyyyy....the other day I grabbed the key to our bathrooms (Yes, we have locked bathrooms in our office building. I have no idea why, and I don't think I

will ever really understand it) unlocked the first door and pushed the second door open to witness
a woman in her pressed gray skirt suit grinning from ear to ear at herself in the bathroom mirror with one hand on her right hip and her head ever so slightly titled to the left. Immediately when she realized the door had just opened she took her hand off her hip and started smoothing out her skirt and looking down at her shoes.
I could tell she was really embarrassed, and I mean, it's not like we all haven't at some point stood and smiled at ourselves in the mirror....right? No?! You don't do that? I think what made the entire situation that much more entertaining was just the fact that as soon as she stopped smiling at herself with her "sassy pose" she decided to revert back to that stuffy, grouchy look on her face that so many of the women in this office building walk around with.
It amazes me that people walk around looking so grouchy. I mean, I just told the whole blog world that I don't particularly love my job, but I still somehow manage to put a nice look on my face everyday while in the office -- in fact, (GASP) sometimes I will even smile at others.
Be happy people -- life is wonderful..and "grouchy" is really just unattractive...and if you can't just "be happy" than try posing in the bathroom mirror...that'll do! :)
Happy Tuesday! :)
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