Did you guess what I was doing in New York City?! Some of you guessed that maybe M. had a law firm interview and while he didn't have one in NYC he did have one earlier this week in DC! It went extremely well and now we are just waiting to hear....
....but M. wasn't the only one who had an interview. Turns out I had a little meeting of my own yesterday in New York City! Obviously I cannot divulge details here on the blog, but I will say this -- the job that I interviewed for is my dream job and is a position open in my dream company. People, I was GIDDY yesterday (and also felt sick to my stomach most of the day until the interview). The interview lasted for around 3 hours (WOAH! I know!) and I had the opportunity to meet some pretty amazing people. Seriously, someone needs to pinch me because I still cannot believe that I have a shot at this job -- let alone that I had the chance to go to these offices!
You may be thinking "Don't you live in DC?! Isn't that where M. is looking for jobs?!" The answer to these questions would be 'Yes' and 'Yes', but as we all know, God works in mysterious ways and I am trying to stay calm knowing that what is meant to happen will happen. I can tell you now that if I don't get this job I will be devastated (in fact, is there a descriptive word that is more powerful than devastated, because that's what I really should use), but I need to remember that things happen for a reason (I really do believe this) and that God is helping to guide me in this crazy thing called life -- I know He wouldn't lead me astray.
Of course I will keep you updated, but for now I would SO appreciate some crossed fingers not only for this possible job in NYC, but also for my absolutely fabulous and amazingly supportive husband who is also waiting to hear back from a firm!

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