Happy Tuesday, folks! We’re having a super slow day at the office…or actually super slow month. I must say, I may not always
LOVE my job, but there’s no denying that I enjoy being able to go in at 9am and leave at 3pm which is what we’re doing today!
It’ll be a sad day when Congress is back in session full force.
While it’s always fun to chat about work (?!?!?) today’s post is about something slightly more interesting…or maybe not, you be the judge. In
this post a little while back I mentioned that I am
“growing my eyebrows” out. In that same post I also explained that it’s not that I’m letting them go wild, but I just like my ey

ebrows to be a little fuller in the fall/winter – a la Brooke Shields (well, a girl can try at least). Not only do I like the fuller brows for the fall/winter season, but when those cool breezes start a-blowin’ and the leaves start a-changin’ I also tend to want to start wearing my glasses more often. Yes, I typically wear contacts, but
something about the season change makes me want to pop on those frames and rock the four-eyed look – in a cute way of course. I wore my first pair of glasses in the third grade, but if you want the real story, and the one that I always bother my mom with,
the truth is that I told my mom I needed an eye appointment in the second grade. Yes, she neglected to get me an eye appointment even after I demonstrated the
“squint” that I had to do in the classroom to see the chalkboard (just kidding, Mom!).
Let me set the scene: Redhead teacher is at the chalkboard trying to explain the sac
rament of First Holy Communion (come on people, I went to Catholic school and pretty much our entire second grade year was focused on First Communion) to a group of kids who are looking out the window at the playground (fine, you caught me, we couldn’t see the playground from our classroom windows, but most of my classmates were thinking about the playground, I can guarantee it). She scribbles a drawing of the chalice on the board and some “notes” about it. Enter me, sitting at my desk, elbows pr
opped up, head in my hands, index fingers pulling at the corners of my eyes (no wonder I’m already starting to see crows feet), squinting because that was the only way I could see clearly. Honestly, that’s what I would do, and the funniest part, I actually thought it was pretty cool that I had figured out a way to see the board clearly. What a clever little girl I was…….but I digress. So since my first pair of glasses (oval shaped with pink, green, and purple rims mind you --see above photo) I have certainly run through an array of styles and colors, but for the last year I have settled on two pairs, one that is a more simple style with a light colored metal rim and a Kate Spade pair of readers (which I added prescription lenses to) which are plastic and a dark cherry red.

Now that the fall/winter season is on its way I have been seriously craving a pair just like these (at left), seen on the models in the Michael Kors runway show. Call me crazy, but I am in love with the over sized, tortoise shell frames. Yes, I realize they are a little ridiculous – certainly very trendy, but I love them. Although, maybe it’s just the model that I love with her fur neck wrap and blonde wispy hair swept up in a messy up-do. I suppose I might consider avoiding the shape of these glasses, but I am
TOTALLY dying for a pair of thick tortoise shell frames.
Have I had tortoise shell frames before? Of course I have, tortoise shell is a classic look, but that pair was circa 7th grade and I’m in the market for an updated designer pair.I’ve obviously searched for the Michael Kors pair online (although I don’t think they produced those exact frames for the

eyeglasses collection), but I’ll be on the lookout for some other options. In fact,
these Kate Spade readers are pretty cute (**You’d be amazed at how inexpensive it is to put prescription lenses into any frames you can find! Kate Spade’s frames are great because they’re super cute and also inexpensive!)
What do you think?! Do you rock glasses or get a craving (like me) to rock your glasses as the weather starts cooling down? Like how I snuck in an old-school photo amongst the beautiful photos of models?
I've got something kind of fun in the works for tomorrow...and it may be wedding related! Be on the lookout! :)
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