Let's talk about makeup brushes. After casually mentioning here that I was updating and organizing my makeup brush collection with emphasis on my travel brushes I've been getting several emails every day asking for opinions and recommendations for brushes. Many want to know what's the best brand for brushes.
It's hard to answer, really. I have favorites from several brands and can't say I'm very loyal to any. I love my Chanels (especially the blush brush and blending brush), Nars and Edward Bess' Face Brush (which, by the way, retained it shape a lot better than the MUFE brush), but I also use several Eco Tools brushes- the blush and powder brushes are as superb as they are cheap. And then there are the ones from Sephora Professional line, Smashbox concealer brushes and Bobbi Brown shading, blending and eye liner brushes. Not very helpful if one is OCD about having everything the same length and color, but I'm more concerned with effectiveness.
So now it's your turn: Do you have any recommendations? What are your favorite brushes? Are you loyal to one or two brands? Any recent discoveries? Or: Ask questions about brushes, answer questions already asked... Let's talk about it!Photo: oss237.com
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