Tales of Takeout (Or Really, Delivery)

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Something I love about New York: The hundreds of amazing restaurants that I can take advantage of.

Something I hate about New York: The hundreds of amazing restaurants that I can take advantage of.

Something I love about New York: The fact that of those amazing restaurants, most of them do delivery orders.

Something I hate about New York: The fact that of those amazing restaurants, most of them do delivery orders.

Are you sensing a pattern here?!

Things have once again taken a turn for the worst. Well, not really THAT bad, but it’s bad in my mind. I was on a great streak of healthy eating and exercising and then BAM one slightly life altering thing comes into play and I go and throw it all out the window. I don’t want to keep writing this same post every two months, but man, I’ve officially self-diagnosed myself as an “anxious eater”.

I’m a HUGE fan of schedules. I like to be on track and have things relatively planned out. I don’t much like change and when things are thrown into my plans that are unexpected…well, it’s almost like I have to wipe the slate clean again and start all over.

SO – that’s pretty much what I am doing today…wiping the slate clean and starting over AGAIN. Boo.

As I was reevaluating my “plan” yesterday afternoon and evening I realized that one of the things that has been bothering me and that has been lacking from my day to day activity is COOKING! I’m sure you’re all shaking your heads right now saying, “I’ve heard this line from her before,” (and I KNOW my husband is shaking his head right about now) but it’s true, I NEED to get back to my schedule of meal planning and cooking because in a way, it keeps me sane AND it keeps me from devouring every terrible food item in sight.

So while I’m not going to link back to all of the times that I made myself this promise (once I started trying to find all of the times I’ve made myself this promise there were just far too many to link to – ok, not really, but that’s how it feels at least), I have decided that all of those stupid recipes that I’ve been collecting really need to start doing their job…I need to get back in the kitchen. Plus I’m getting pretty sick of having to lie to my grandmother about the fact that I HAVE been cooking and this part (which actually is true), I CAN actually make a decent meal contrary to her believing that I have no talent in the kitchen whatsoever. Sorry Grandma, but if you make me feel like I am any less of a “wife” just because I don’t necessarily cook every night…well, I just might scream! :)

Alright – so here’s my new-exciting-it’s-gotta-work-this-time plan. Not to get all Julie &Julia on you, but I’ve collected QUITE A BINDER full of recipes taken from many different online resources and I’m starting to notice that I actually have multiple (but differing) recipes for the same dish. I mean, look at this thing?! It's getting out of control! PS: I just might have three other smaller binders full of recipes too...really out of control.

My plan is to cook at least one FULL meal a week (I’m guessing I’m going to make this my Friday evening activity) – that means a main dish and side dish and it has to be something NEW from my giant collection of recipes. If the recipe is a hit I’ll keep it in the binder. If the recipe is a flop – well, it’s time for that poor recipe to go in the garbage. The rest of the weeknights M. and I will simply make things we are used to making for weeknights – nothing complicated, but our regular weeknight meals.

Part two of this goal is that Sunday I will attempt to bake something NEW from my giant collection of recipes. Again, if delicious, then the recipe is a keeper, but if not….see ya!

People, people…please let’s hope that this plan actually works out. I’m running out of sheet protectors…my Mom can vouch for my obsession with sheet protectors…and I don’t really like the idea of the NYC food delivery guys starting a weekly card game in my living room.

That is all.


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