Funky Friday

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I really intended on recapping my bridal luncheon today, but I’m just a tad bit busy at work and for some reason a little drained.

I’ve had a weird last week and a half – been in a little bit of a “funk” you could say. Actually, I’ve noticed a lot of bloggers in the blogosphere saying the same thing. I think maybe it’s just the fact that it’s the dead of summer and all I really want to do is relax and be outside…unfortunately I’m in the office…but hey, at least it’s Friday!

I think what contributed to this “funk” was the fact that I took a break from my work-outs. I was on such a schedule and since I took the time off, I’ve felt…well, off schedule!! I wasn’t planning on taking such a long break, but after getting that really bad sunburn at the beach I decided that my skin might not love me if I worked out super hard while it was still healing. Either way, you may have noticed I started tallying my miles again to the right. I’m glad to be getting back into my routine…and my daily afternoon sessions with Jillian Michaels will start again this Monday.

As far as the blog goes…this weekend I need to switch around some things including the title for the running tally, updating my blog header and my reading list – I’ve been reading some new blogs lately and definitely need to add them.

This weekend I am also planning a marathon ‘thank you’ note writing session so that I can finish off all of the Thank You notes for the wedding. I still have a long way to go, but as of Sunday evening I will be finished!

Speaking of how generous our guests were – that’s the other thing putting me in somewhat of a “funk.” Our apartment is big, but not HUGE. If you know me you know that I keep EVERYTHING. I am a bit of a pack rat. With all of these new appliances, kitchen gadgets and home accessories I need to seriously re-think the way the apartment is organized. We actually put almost everything away and I did reorganize our kitchen cabinets to accommodate our new items, but the flow just isn’t really working out. Obviously I am incredibly thankful for the generosity of our wedding guests, but I think that this weekend there will be some serious reorganization going on…our room, our closet, the kitchen, the extra closets….I need things to be neat and for things to be accessible and right now I am feeling like every time I go in a closet I have to dig for things.

And does anyone else feel like this week has gone by EXCEPTIONALLY slow at work even though we had Monday off?!?!

While I may be in a bit of a funk, I am, as always keeping a positive outlook on life! Funk or no funk, I am a happy girl, blessed with an amazing husband and family, a job, place to live, food to eat, and many, many luxuries. I'm thankful everyday for these things.

Plus, how could I not be happy when this evening I have a special date night with the hubby. We’re going to enjoy dinner at Founding Famers (yes, the same place I went for brunch just days ago) and I'm pretty sure M. has already plotted his dessert choice -- homemade doughnut holes served with vanilla-rum, caramel and chocolate dipping sauces! YUM! After dinner maybe we'll rent a movie from the Red Box. A relaxing night with my favorite person. :)

I hope you all have a wonderful, relaxed Friday/weekend!


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