Yes, this is really how I feel about driving back & forth from DC 350,983,468,721,097 (yes, I just copied that from above) times in the last few months.

My time in DC went by quickly, but it ended up being a really productive trip - in fact, I might even be BACK AGAIN this week to meet with one of the companies I interviewed with -- I am VERY excited!
M. dropped off his deposit at Georgetown Law School. We are both still in disbelief over the fact that he will be finishing his law school career at a top 10 law school! FABULOUS! Isn't this picture the cutest?! I love him so much!!!
Saturday, M. & I drove to Greeneville, NC for one of M.'s law school friends' wedding. The service was beautiful & the reception was equally as enchanting. I really enjoyed h

anging out with some of M.'s friends (& their fiancee's) & spending time with M., of course! **Tooting my own horn here...I was also excited because I was able to wear one of my favorite (Kay Unger) dresses from high school!! Obviously I was thrilled that it even fit - I've been steadily losing weight (trying to start the work-out regime for the months leading up to the wedding) & I guess being sick actually helped a little in this case. Who knew?!
I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend & a fabulous Monday!!
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