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Gone with the Windsors by Iles Brody. An old biography of the Duke and Duchess of Widsor. I found it at a fabulous used bookstore in Kingston, NY.

I was looking for Cake's Wheels (has it already been 5 years since that song came out?!) when I happened upon this one. Such a great cover.

Frequently worn outfit/item
Hats. I need all the sun protection I can get.

I'm obsessed with vintage Dior at the moment. The real thing, not the dreck they've been putting in their bottles in the last few years. Just got a bottle of Diorella.

Blue mascara. It looks great with summery sand and bronze eye shadows. There are several excellent ones on the market, none of them looks like a residue from the 80s. I'm actually planning a blue mascara face off post in the near future.

If it were up to me, I'd eat nothing but watermelon from now until September.

I could use one, actually.

Guilty Pleasure
Watching crap TV while working out.

Bane of my existence
Packing peanuts. Whenever the cats get their paws on some, they shred them to tiny pieces that get everywhere and cling to everything.

Emails and comments from readers, even when I'm behind on replying.

Taking my niece to the Bronx Zoo.

Wish List
A lot more energy and motivation to get things done.

Random Thought
Is J Crew employing blind aliens as their pattern makers lately? I'm not even talking about the quality that has been going downhill at an exponential rate. It's the odd way the garments are cut and (don't) fit.

What are your current loves, banes and thoughts? Please share!

Art: Summertime Blues by Mark Goldstein


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