2011 July 4th Weekend

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Did everyone get to enjoy a wonderful, long weekend?! I certainly did! Friday my company had a half day which really translated into a “full day off” since there was so little work actually done that day. Believe it or not, I ended up bringing Thatcher into the office that day. While I tied up some loose ends around my desk, one of my co-workers played with him for a little while and snapped this too-cute photo of Thatcher sitting in a basket on her desk. How can you not love that little face?!

After my “early dismissal” I made my way back home, dropped Thatcher off and then met M. at his office to tour around. I hadn’t yet visited him at his new space so I figured it would be the perfect time since the office would be very quiet due to the holiday. M.’s office is AMAZING! I loved the location and the views – absolutely beautiful…and I thought my office was cool! :)

Once M. officially checked out of work for the day we stopped for a little ice cream and a walk. The weather was SO NICE and we were really looking forward to having the long weekend to just hang out and take a break from work. Typically on Friday nights I am ready to hop in bed ASAP since I’m usually pretty worn out from the week, but I was so excited that it was going to be a long weekend that I actually stayed up long enough to watch an entire movie…I know, a major feat people! M. and I had received “Date Night” with Tina Fey and Steve Carrel via Netflix so we popped it in the DVD player. I LOVED this movie. It was much funnier than I anticipated (I thought maybe all of the funny parts were already given away in the previews) and I thought that Tina and Steve together was the perfect pair. If you haven’t seen it I would recommend it for some silly laughs.

Saturday morning the sun was shining and we were up relatively early. We got ready for the day and then brought Thatcher to his vet for his last puppy shot. The rest of the day our little pup was zonked out from the medicine, BUT, big news people….Thatcher weighed in at a whopping 3.5 pounds. When we brought him to the vet for his first visit he weighed in at 1.9. Looks like we’ve got a guard dog on our hands now! ;)

We let Thatcher hang out at home (aka sleep all day) while we ran around the city. It was so nice because the city actually sort of cleared out with everyone away for the 4th holiday weekend. Not only was it less busy than usual, but the weather was AMAZING – breezy, sunny, totally beautiful! M. agreed (bless my wonderful husband) to let me tackle the project of painting our coffee tables, something I’ve been wanting to do for a while now. My parents “gave” me these coffee tables and while they are super nice (they’re actually THESE pottery barn tables in the espresso finish), I had removed my nail polish on those tables one too many times (against my mom’s constant pleading not to) in high school and they were pretty worn out. There were spots with finish missing and overall they were looking less than loved.

So after a quick trip to Home Depot I had my semi-gloss black paint in hand, a new set of rollers (I figured it would be WAY easier to paint the tables with rollers than brushes, plus, not as many streaks!) and my helpful husband by my side.

Of course, we didn’t make Saturday ALL about the tables. We enjoyed a leisurely lunch together and then I coerced my husband into letting me stop for a macaroon or two (I need to do a whole separate post about these wonderful treats found all over the city!). I embarrass my husband by making him stop in the middle of the sidewalk to take photos of me with my dessert treats…have I mentioned how sweet he is?! :)

The rest of the afternoon Saturday was spent sanding, priming, napping, TV watching, cleaning, etc. I ended up reorganizing the shelves on our IKEA TV stand and switching around the photos in some of our picture frames. It’s like an instant pick me up to have a new arrangement and the frames that I added into the mix started to pull things together. I enjoyed every minute of the table re-doing and the shelf reorganizing. It always feels so great to tackle a much needed home decorating project and again, trying to keep myself on a budget means that I will have “new” tables for less than $50. I can’t wait to see how the tables look once they are put back together. I think our living room is finally starting to come together! Pictures to come….eventually! :)

It was almost like fate that Sunday was such a rainy day. The rain allowed me to continue on my table painting project without feeling guilty that I wasn’t outside enjoying the beautiful weather. So I painted and M. and I spent the day hanging out at home. I did more organizing and we watched the men’s singles final at Wimbledon. I’m still not completely convinced that it’s fair that the women’s winner gets a giant plate and the men’s winner gets a beautiful trophy, but whatever. The rain (on and off) on Sunday created the perfect lazy day.

I was happy and sad that Monday finally rolled around. I was looking forward to the fireworks display, but dreading coming back to work after our great weekend. The only thing getting me through this work week is the fact that for me, it’s going to be another short one. M. and I leave on Friday for a family get together in Wisconsin and I am absolutely GIDDY about not only the day off of work, but also the time spent in Wisconsin (I can’t remember the last time I was there) and the time spent with M. and my extended family.

The sun was shining yesterday and people were clearly excited about the holiday! After a lazy morning we decided to get the dog out for a walk on our usual route. Turns out there were tons of people heading outside (already around 12pm) to get to spots where they could watch the Macy’s fireworks. I couldn’t believe how many people were out and about since just the day before the city had seemed so “empty.” We didn’t do anything particularly special for the 4th (which, by the way, this year marked the fourth 4th of July celebration that M. and I spent together!), but we did have plans to attend our building’s rooftop party complete with band, free food (grilled hamburgers and hotdogs – yes please!) and of course, viewing the beautiful Macy’s fireworks.

We each enjoyed a hamburger for dinner (well, cheeseburger for me!) and then picked out a spot to watch the show. After about an hour and a half of waiting we watched the awesome sparklers! Macy’s sure didn’t disappoint, but I must say, I think I am still far more impressed by the fireworks display in DC. I loved watching those fireworks on the National Mall and the fact that DC’s are set to music…well, that kind of makes it! BUT the NYC fireworks were amazing too and watching with a rooftop full of people “oohing and ahhing” over the beautiful colors was definitely fun!

So now a short work week ahead! How was your holiday?!


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