First of all ~ Happy Second Blogversary to the Tablescaper!!
My cottage was built in 1913. While it is charming, it is
short on storage space. No walk in closets. No big pantry.
Back in 1913, Boise, Idaho was a small town.
So where do I keep all of our dishes, collections and
what I consider necessities?
Hanging over the stove.

Tucked inside vintage hutches.

On top of hutches.

And on top of cabinets.

Inside open shelves.

Stored in baskets in the back porch pantry.

On top of shelves on the back porch.

Tucked inside the shelves of the hutch in the dining room.
There are many more hanging shelves, library stacks, etc. that
hold all of our treasured, well loved and often used pieces that
make our cottage a home. I shared just a few this time.
I am joining
Bentley ~ did you know that Boise is the most remote city in the
lower 48? Salt Lake City is 6 hours driving time to the east
and Portland, Oregon is about 5 hours to the west. In between
are lots of mountains and high desert. It's a good thing that there
is blogland where we can visit our friends in just seconds!
Susan and Bentley
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