One More Weekend and I’ll Be a Mrs.! – Weekend Recap Part 1

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Whew! Another busy weekend!! This weekend was actually SO productive that I’m going to have to give it to you in two parts. Watch out – this one is certainly picture heavy too! :)

My boss let us out early on Friday so I drove home and finished packing my bag for my weekend home in NC! M. drove me to the airport and I was positive that we would leave on time (considering weather in DC was perfect!), but my flight ended up being delayed about 2 hours (boo!). I made it home, chatted with my mom and sister and called it a night so that we’d be ready to go the next morning!

Saturday morning I slept in until 8:30 (which is normally when I leave to get to work on the weekdays), woke up, and got to work! That morning my mom and I discussed the plan for the mantle of the fireplace in the ballroom of our reception venue. We’re going to have all different height clear cylinders with different height white pillar candles lining the mantle and then in between we’ll have tall thin vases with single ranunculus blooms in pinks, peaches and creams! We also discussed the plan for our head table. Originally we were going to have a round table like the rest of our guests because we liked the idea of having a nice chance to talk with our parents and our maid of honor and best man, but our wedding planner highly suggested having a table that was different than the rest of the guests so that M. and me are really the “center of attention”.

My mom ended up finding some great examples of longer head tables, so we’re going to do that! My mom also found these AMAZING silver chargers that will be used only on the head table, and beautiful containers for the head table’s flower arrangements! I like the new table plan and I know it will be beautiful! :)

After finalizing those details my mom, sister and I made a quick stop by the florist’s to pick up a few things and then it was off to the bakers. Of all of the wedding decisions the cake has been hard for me. In fact, it took me longer choosing a cake design than it did choosing my wedding dress! There are just so many beautiful cakes and I couldn’t pick just one! Well, as of Saturday afternoon we had the cake under control and everything paid for. I’ll show off our cake choice sometime this week – it’s not anything crazy or over the top, but I know it will be beautiful and will mesh well with the entire feel of the evening!

For lunch we headed over to the Chick-fil-A to redeem our free spicy chicken sandwiches. M. was actually the one who pointed it out to me online a few weeks ago and I ‘m sure that many of you enjoyed the free Chick-fil-A sandwich this weekend! Chick-fil-A is one of my FAVORITES so I was excited to try the new addition to their menu…and it was also a great excuse to have one of their delicious diet lemonades! I was impressed with the sandwich – it was QUITE delicious. Of course I documented it…I know, I’m crazy, but I was having a fun day with my mom and sister!! :)

After our yummy lunch we headed off to the nail salon for pedicures. C. decided she “didn’t need a pedicure” (I’m ALWAYS up for one!) so we “let” her stay home! While at the salon we went over table seating for the reception. It actually wasn’t that bad and as of now we have pretty much everything finalized. There was a lady in the pedicure chair next to us who noticed what we were working on and made a comment like…”Ohhhh the seating charts! Don’t even finalize that until the very last minute because there will be people who unexpectedly drop out, or so and so can’t sit next to Aunt Cathy…” She was pretty funny and told us to enjoy LOTS of wine leading up to the big day! :)

After our pedicures we came home and started the work on our decoration for our vintage “get-away” car! We decided on an easy DIY project found on the Martha Stewart Weddings web site. Even though we've all seen these "poof balls" before, I love the uniqueness of the garland idea! It will look so pretty over the crisp blue of the vintage car! (Click on the link above to see what the garland looks like!)

A few months ago we purchased two huge packs of tissue paper to use for hostess gifts, my bridesmaid gifts, and other wedding projects so we went with a combination of pink and a pale peachy-pink tissue for our garlands. We actually finished this project relatively quickly (especially since there were three of us working on it!). Martha's directions say to use "colored twine," but we used just regular netural colored twine. We’ll “poof” up the garland closer to the day of the wedding so that they don’t “wilt” in the meantime. We had to try it out on one of our cars to make sure that the garland was long enough to fit over the vintage car, but I think we got it perfect!

We took a break from all of our crafting to enjoy a nice dinner at a local restaurant. We sat in their outside dining area because the weather was SUPER nice! I can only hope that the wedding on Saturday will be similar on my wedding Saturday! :) When we got home it was time to work on the out-of-town gift bags!! We gathered all of the “loot” together (including a sweet trail mix, salty cracker mix, individually wrapped chocolate covered biscotti, gum, our personalized waters, the custom CD’s, custom maps, and a brochure for a local shopping/dining area) and prepared to stuff bags!! We made sure that all of the bags had our personalized "logo" on the front and we actually added a little pink crystal to the center of the heart on our design. It made the bags look SO MUCH better...who thought a little crystal could do such a thing!? You can see in the photo that my sister, C., was really working hard placing those jewels! :)

First things first, we scooped the trail mix and the salty cracker mix into cellophane bags – we closed the trail mix bags using these ADORABLE pink stickers (with words like "love", "cherish", and "always" written in white) that my mom found (for like $3.99 for a HUGE roll) at Tuesday Morning and the cracker mix bags we tied with pink satin ribbon. I may have had a few mishaps with my scooping technique resulting in cracker mix all over the kitchen table! :)

After preparing those treat bags we lined our custom gift bags (silver bags with a fun, personalized logo) with pale pink tissue paper, placed two waters in each (notice the SUPER CUTE personlized water bottle wrappers that my mom designed using our "duogram" that was on our wedding invitation), a bag of each “mix”, a biscotti, pack of gum, CD, and brochure. We’re actually going to include fresh baked cookies in each bag too (we’ll be baking those and packing them up when I’m home the week prior to the wedding) and that’s when we’ll finish off each bag with the custom map I designed! I am so thrilled with the way everything turned out and I’m actually kind of jealous that I don’t get one of these bags!

Tomorrow I will show off the rest of the projects we accomplished this weekend! T-Minus 12 days until the wedding!

Happy Monday!


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