Future Plans

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Do I have a job yet!? - NO! Do I have any idea of where I will be living for the next few years?! - YES!

M. & I have decided to move to Washington, DC. Even though I do not yet have a job, I feel confident that I will be able to find something when I get there...not to mention I applied for about 35 jobs today in the DC area. M.'s summer plans were going to be working for a local judge & taking a class. He started with the judge today & absolutely loves it, but he found out that he has a phone interview for an AMAZING position in DC! Keep your fingers crossed that it goes well, because not only will he be able to work this summer full-time & into the fall part-time, but it is PAID! FABULOUS! M. has also applied for visiting status at many of the DC law schools, so keep your fingers crossed that he gets in...I'm pretty sure he will though!!

We've been searching Craigslist for apartments for the last week & a half & we've found some really great things, so now all we have to do is plan a weekend to go & view these apartments & find a place! Do any of you DC bloggers have any advice for apartments in the area or do you know anyone who is renting?! Also, any advice for moving....I started packing up some of my stuff this past weekend & I have SO MUCH STUFF!! Oh yeah, & if you know of anyone hiring in DC let me know......!!!

I hope everyone had a great day!

Image: LonelyPlanet.com


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